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Back with the running boys, they were now in a nearby building. "Are you alright, Inumaki-senpai?" Megumi asked.

"Salmon." Inumaki nodded. "Here it comes!" Kamo yelled. Hanami sent out balls of roots at the boys. "STOP!" Inumaki yelled.

All the balls stopped in their place. Kamo used his techniques to attack again and was successful this time. 

"Hurry! It'll be after us again soon." Kamo yelled. They started to run again. Inumaki kept coughing. 

They jumped out of an opened window and landed on a rooftop. Megumi summoned Nue out again. "Inumaki-senpai will stop it. Don't be scared." He told his shikigami.

Nue started to go at Hanami. Just as Inumaki was about to cast his spell, he coughed up blood and fell to his knees. 

Nue was then impaled right into the chest. Kamo and Megumi were shocked. What Kamo didn't see was that Hanami was now right beside him. 

Hanami punched him and he was sent flying but luckily Megumi grabbed onto him. "Kamo! Are you still alive!?" Megumi yelled.

Megumi started to overthink things when he felt a pat on his shoulders. It was Inumaki. "Pickled mustard leaf." Inumaki said.

"Inumaki-senpai! Any more and you'll..." Megumi shouted. Inumaki ignored the call. "BLAST AWAY!" Inumaki yelled.

Hanami was blasted away and Inumaki was sent to the ground, unconscious. Hanami started to get up as he talked in her language. 

Maki came from behind and tried to cut Hanami with the sword in her hands but the weapon broke. "Tsk!" Megumi used Maki as a distraction and attacked Hanami's eyes. 

Maki went to Megumi while tossing the sword. Megumi used his shadow to get Maki a new weapon. "Where's your sister?" Maki asked.

"She got sent out of the curtain once it was complete." Megumi replied. "Is that so? She would be of good use but anyways, I've got something even better. But using this is kinda annoying." Maki said. She then grabbed onto a special grade cursed tool, Playful Cloud.

(I'll be summarising this past because I'm very very lazy.) Maki and Megumi started to attack Hanami. 

They were doing amazing when Hanami started to use her technique on them. Megumi was about to attack back when Maki called to him. 

"Megumi, that's enough. We've done our job. Your sister would be proud of everything you did. Time to tag out!" Maki said.

Todo and Itadori then came down from the sky. "You good Itadori, my friend!?" Todo said. "Yeah!" Itadori answered.

Momo was carrying Kamo and Inumaki outside the curtain. "So heavy! It's up to you, Todo." Momo muttered. 

Back to the river, Panda showed up and grabbed Megumi, who was injured, and Maki, who was passed out. 

Megumi was yelling to Itadori, saying how the curse was way stronger. Itadori then looked at Megumi. 

"Don't worry." Itadori said. "I'll kill you if you die again!" Megumi yelled. Panda then started to walk away.

Todo then stated that he was not going to help until Itadori knew how to use black flash. Itadori started to attack Hannmi but Todo didn't like what he was doing. 

Todo then slapped Itadori on the cheeks. Itadori was now calmer and went back to fighting. That was when he used black flash. Todo just nodded. 

"There it is." Todo then joins Itadori, fighting Hanami. Punching, kicking, everything was happening. 

Just as Hanami was about to use domain expansion, the curtain broke. "THE CURTAIN!" Todo yelled.

"GOJO-SENSEI! (F/N)-SAN!" They looked up and saw Gojo with (F/N) in his arms. 

(Things might get messed up from here on out but in summary, it would be like different POV of when the curtain broke.) 

Gojo then dropped (F/N) from the sky, making Todo and Itadori yell. "(F/N)-CHAN!" Todo yelled. "DON'T WORRY!" (F/N) shouted.

She summoned Nue. Nue then grabbed onto her uniform and placed her to the ground safely. (F/N) started to run. Principal Gakuganji was still battling with the bald guy named Kumiya.

Utahime was running around to look for the students. She was on a call with Momo. That was when a guy with blonde hair in a ponytail popped out and tried to hit Utahime. 

Luckily, she dodged in time. Mai and Kugisaki popped up to back up Utahime. Haruta (The guy) started to fangirl about all the girls around him while Mai and Kugisaki started to argue like there was no tomorrow.

The curtain then broke while everyone looked up at the now clear blue sky. "The curtain is gone!" Utahime yelled.

"For real!? It's already been 30 minutes!? I'm outta here!" He started to run. They then heard footsteps coming towards them so they looked at where it was coming from.

(F/N) then came into their field of vision. "(F/N)-CHAN/(F/N)-SAN!" The females yelled. "YO! I'll go after the blondie here! You guys stay input!" She yelled back.

"It's fine, (F/N)-san! I'll follow the guy! You help the others with the curse!" Utahime yelled. "Got it! Good luck!" (F/N), Utahime, and Haruta started to run.

(F/N) started to run to the river where Todo and Itadori are. She quickly placed her hands together. "MAX ELEPHANT!" She yelled.

The said shikigami was then out in the open. "ATTACK!" (F/N) continued to run. She then jumped and sent a powerful double kick to Hanami. 

Max Elephant backed her up by using its water. Hanami was thrown into a panic. "YO! Todo-senpai! Yuji-kun!" The female greeted.

"(F/N)-CHAN!/(F/N)-SAN!" They shouted. "Where's Maki-chan, Megumi, and Panda?" (F/N) asked.

"Fushiguro and Maki-san got hurt and Panda is bringing them to Shoko-san." Itadori said.

(F/N) was shocked by the news. She was angry that the curse in front of her injured her loved ones.

Without a second thought, (F/N) rushed at Hanami. Kicking, punching was all she did without involving her anger. She was unconsciously using Black Flash too. 

"WOAH! (F/N)-SAN CAN USE BLACK FLASH!?" Itadori shouted. "IT SEEMS SO!" Todo yelled. She looked back at them. 

"Are you gonna join me or what!?" She smirked. With Juzo and Principal Gaukuganji, Kumiya looked up to the now clear sky. "Hey, hey, hey, hey! I spy a good looking coat rack!" 

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