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The car stopped in front of a cemetery. "We have reached your destination." Ijichi-san annonced. "Thanks Ijichi!" Gojo-sensei said.

We all got out of the car. "Please call me when you finish the test." Ijichi-san said. "Yup! You got it!"Gojo-sensei threw up a thumbs up.

Then he went away. We all faced the cemetery. 

"As you can see, there are 4 curses here with the grade of grade 3. I want each of you to take on a curse. When you are finished, come back to me." Gojo-sensei stated. 

"That's the test?" Maki-chan asked. "Yup! Now go!" Gojo-sensei pushed us all to the entrance. He then chanted something. 

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness." We looked up at the sky to see it started to get darker. 

"What the hell!? Is it turning into night!?" Panda yelled. "It's a curtain. Curtains are mostly used by sorcerers to hide their activities from the world." Gojo-sensei said. "Got it." We nodded.

"Before we go in, let's choose a curse." I said. "Salmon." Inumaki-san nodded. -I think when he says 'Salmon' , it means like he is agreeing.- 

"I'm fine with any curse." Maki-chan said. "Ok. How about Maki's taking the one North from us, I'll take the one West. Inumaki, take the one South, and (F/N) East." Panda stated. 

"Got it." Maki-chan replied. "Sure." I nodded my head. "Salmon." Inumaki-san agreed in his language. "Ok go!" Panda yelled.


We all went in. And as Panda said, I was taking on the one North from us. I took out a sphere I had with me as my choice of cursed tool. I ran to the curse. 

The curse had it's back facing me so I could exorcise it easily. But as I got closer, the curse seemed to notice me running at it at full speed so it moved to the side. 

But since the sphere I have is pretty long, I was able to cut the curse in half. It was then exorcised right then and there. After I was done, I walked back to Gojo-sensei. 

"That was pretty fast, Maki-chan." He complemented me. "Sure I guess." I nodded. I decided to watch the rest.


I assigned myself the one in the West. I walked over to the curse. As I got closer, the curse sensed me and started to attack me. I was able to dodge it's attacks. 

I then punched the curse. It was sent flying into the air while getting exorcised. -Easy peasy.- I walked to Gojo-sensei and saw that Maki was also there. 

-I guess she finished too.- "Nice job, Panda-chan!" Satoru said. "Thank you!" I replied. I sat down beside Maki and watched Inumaki and (F/N).


I was told to take the curse South from us. Since it was South, I didn't need to run so far. As Maki passed my curse, it started to be on it's guard. 

I decided to attack it from a distance. I stopped around 2 meters away from it. It saw me and started to growl. 

I pushed down my collar and exposed the markings on the side of my mouth and tongue. 

They are called the 'Snake and fangs' markings. "TWIST!" When I finished my sentence, the curse twisted and got exorcised. 

I started to walk to Gojo-sensei. "Great job, Inumaki-chan! Very interesting to watch." He said. "That was good, Inumaki." Panda said. I nodded and sat down beside Panda and watched (F/N)-chan.


I ran East where the curse I am supposed to exorcise is at. While running, I placed my hands together and shouted. "NUE!" I yelled.

My owl shikigami formed. "ATTACK!" I pointed at the curse. Nue then flew straight to the curse and used its wings that have electricity in them and struck the curse. 

The curse was electrocuted and exorcised. I dispelled Nue and walked back to Gojo-sensei. When I arrived, I saw Maki-chan, Panda, and Inumaki-san looking at me. 

"Well done, (Y/N)-chan! I see you tamed a few shikigamis, huh?" Gojo-sensei asked. "I tamed 6 out of 10." I replied. 

"Which ones?" He asked again. "Demon dogs, Nue, Toad, Great Serpent or Orochi, Max elephant, and Rabbit escape." I listed.

"Wow! Good job!" Gojo-sensei complemented me. "Ya. Good job, (F/N)! That was amazing!" Panda said.

"Good job, I guess." Maki-chan said. "Salmon." Inumaki-san nodded. "Thanks. I'm kinda sad I didn't finish fast to see how you guys exorcised your curses." I slightly pouted. "Next time, (Y/N)-chan!" Panda cheered me up. "Sure." I nodded.

"Since you guys finished the test pretty quickly, let's go around Yokohama and get lunch!" Gojo-sensei announced. 

"Sounds fun." I said. "Sure." Maki-chan nodded. "Salmon." Inumaki-san nodded too. "How am I gonna go?" We looked at Panda. 

"Just pretend you are a mascot and give balloons to children." Gojo-sensei shrugged. "Ok then." Panda nodded.


The bunch are now in Yokohama Chinatown. Eating street food and shopping in stores there. 

What was funny was that every time Panda handed a balloon to a kid, he would be held back from the group. 

"OI! Are you just leaving me here!?" Panda yelled. "HAHA! Sorry Panda-chan!" Gojo yelled. They stayed there until dinner time. 

"Ok before you leave to go back to your dorms, I want to tell you guys your grades. Panda-chan, you are a grade 2." Gojo started. "Not too bad. Yay!" Panda smiled and fist pumped the air.

"Inumaki-chan, you're a grade 2, too." Inumaki nodded. "(F/N)-chan! You are a special grade 1!" Gojo smiled. "Wow! That's good (F/N)!" Panda yelled. "Thanks." (F/N) smiled.

"Maki. You are supposed to be a grade 2 but the Zenin clan got in the way of your promotion so you are a grade 4." Gojo was mad and disappointed. Maki didn't show any emotion. "WHAT!?"

They turned to (F/N). "THAT'S STUPID! Just because Maki-chan doesn't have a cursed technique nor cursed energy doesn't mean she's a grade 4!" (F/N) yelled.

"It's fine, (F/N)." Maki tried to calm her down. "No it's not!" (F/N) yelled. 

"I can't really do anything about it, (F/N)-chan. I'm angry too. Maki-chan put up a great performance but they just don't care about that. All they care about is power." Gojo explained.

(F/N) looked down. "I'm sorry for my outburst." She apologized. "It's fine." Maki said. 

"Ya. At least you said what's on your mind." Panda said. "Ok! Now you guys go get some rest." Gojo said. "Ok." They nodded the left.

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