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As Gojo-sensei said, I was going on a mission by myself. So here I am, sitting in the back seat of Nitta-san's car. 

"I forgot to ask, what is my mission, Nitta-san?" I asked. "Well (F/N)-chan, your mission is to exorcise 2 grade 1 curses in Kyoto. I'll be driving you there." She replied.

"Ok but won't driving to Kyoto take a long time?" I asked. "Ya. We might return during the night." Nitta-san replied. I just nodded. 

-Gojo-sensei said that the Zenin clan made me do this mission. Are they going to spy on me while I do my mission? That would be creepy. I don't even associate with them let alone want to meet them.-

We now were in Kyoto and at the place my mission would be. An abandoned hospital. "(F/N)-chan, we're here." Nitta-san said.

"Ah. Ok." I replied. I got out and looked at the abandoned hospital. I felt the intensity from where I'm standing. 

"I'll put up a curtain. Stay safe! Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness." Nitta-san said. I nodded and started to walk in. Before I entered the building, I put my hands together and summoned a shikigami. 

"DEMON DOGS!" I yelled. 2 dog shikigamis came to life. 1 of them black and the other white with a symbol on their forehead. They started to howl. 

"Take in the sense of the entrance just in case." I ordered. That being said, they did as told. Now we go in.

I looked in every room on the first floor. From what I observed from outside, there were 25 floors. I checked all the floors till I reached the 13th floor. 

It was darker and had more pressure than the other floors. -Got it.- I carefully went into each room but so far, nothing. There was 1 more room left on this floor. 

-If the other rooms don't have the curses, then it must be this last one.- Just then, the 2 shikigamis started to growl at the door. -I was right.- 

I entered the room more cautiously. There in the middle of the room was the curses. They heard the door open by me and started to screech. I dispelled Demon dogs and summoned Great Serpent or Orochi.

Great Serpent or Orochi is a giant snake. It came from my shadow and grabbed one of the curses by its mouth, biting down and exorcising it. 

While Great serpent or Orochi grabbed the curse, its body wrapped around the other curse. Squishing it and exorcising it. Both curses were now goners. 

The floor was brighter than before and the air was lighter. -I think I'm done but I'll check the floors just in case.- 

I went to the other 12 floors. Exorcising low level curses on the way. When I finished, I exited the hospital and went to where Nitta-san was waiting.

"You finished! Great job, (Y/N)-chan!" Nitta-san smiled. "Thank you, Nitta-san." I replied. "Since you finished earlier than expected, why don't we pay a visit to the jujutsu school here in Kyoto? Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College." She said.

"Am I allowed?" I asked. "I have 2 friends there. They were my senpai's when I was still in school. I'll give them a call to ask if we can go." She said. 

(I just made that up. I don't know if Nitta went to Jujutsu Tech but it's likely. I don't even know if they are friends either. Probably acquaintances.) 

"Ok." Nitta-san turned the other way and called her friends. She then turned to me and smiled. "She said ok! So get the car and we can go." Nitta-san smiled. "Sure." I nodded.

ONEE-SAN - JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now