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It has been 2 months since me and Noritoshi have been dating. We always facetime, call, and text each other. 

We told everyone (The Kyoto and Tokyo schools) that we were dating at the party where we celebrated the promotions. Right now, I was on a call with him. 

"Say, my family found out about our relationship and want to meet you. Are you free this weekend? I know you would be busy now since you are now a special grade sorcerer." Nori asked.

"I always have time for you since you are my boyfriend. I'm free this weekend." I said. 

"Great. Can you come here to the school? I always go home for the weekend to the clan so we could go together." He said.

"Sure, why not? Got to meet my in-laws, right?" I said. "Haha. I mean ya. I have already met your brother and sister." Nori said.

If you are wondering, once, Kamo and (F/N) were on a date here in Tokyo so they visited Tsumiki. "Ya. I'm staying over for the weekend or something?" I said.

"Yup. Pack up today and start coming to Kyoto today also." He said. "Got it. I'll start now. Bye, Toshi." I said. "Bye, (F/N)."

After I ended the call, I started to pack my clothes into a bag. Once I was finished, I told everyone that I won't be here for the weekend. "Where are you going?" They asked. 

"I'm going to Kyoto." I replied. "Oh, ok." They nodded. "Bye, Mina-san." I said. "Bye!" 

Ijichi-san and Nitta-san were not available at the moment so I just went to Kyoto by train. 

Once I arrived, I walked all the way to the Kyoto school. I texted Noritoshi that I was near the school and he replied back saying that he was already waiting for me.

"Nori!" I yelled. I saw him turn around and open his arms for me. I ran into them as he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my forehead. 

"Hey, beautiful." He greeted me. "Hi!" I smiled. "Really to go?" He asked. "Yup. Are we going to walk there? My legs are tired from walking to the school from the station." I whined.

"Don't worry. The Kamo clan has a chauffeur so we will be going to the clan estate by car. You walked here? You could've told me and I could have picked you up from there with the car." Nori said. "It's fine." I said.

A car then rolled up and a person came out of the car. "Good day, Kamo-kun. I'll bring you to the estate." The person bowed. 

"Hello, Haru-san. I always told you, you can just call me Noritoshi. This is Yamamoto Haru. He's the clan chauffeur." Nori introduced him.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that, Kamo-kun. Also, I apologise for not acknowledging you." He bowed again.

"It's fine. My name is Fushiguro (F/N)." I said. I bowed. "Ah! You must be Kamo-kun's girlfriend." Yamamoto-san said.

 "Ah, yes I am, Yamamoto-san." I nodded. "You can call me Haru, Fushiguro-chan." He corrected me. "Ok, Haru-san. You can call me (F/N)." I said.

"I see, (F/N)-san. Here, let me take your backpack." He said. "Oh, here." Haru-san grabbed it and placed it in the trunk. 

He then opened the back door and gestured for us to enter so we did. The drive to the Kamo estate was peaceful. 

Me and Haru-san were talking, getting to know each other better. Noritoshi was just smiling, seeing that I was happily talking.

Once we arrived, we all got out of the car. Haru-san gave me my backpack which was then snatched by Noritoshi. 

"This is as far as I can go." Haru-san said. "Alright. See you next time, Haru-san." Is aid. "Yeah. Bye, (F/N)-san, Kamo-kun." He said.

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