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I went back to my room after the meeting. A few minutes later I got a call from Shoko-san saying that Megumi woke up and is now in his room. 

Since I know he still needs rest, I quickly made him some congee. With the congee, I went to the 1st year dorms and went to his. 

I knocked on the door and opened it. Once I looked inside, I saw Nobara-chan, Yuji-kun, and Megumi eating pizza. 

They looked at me and smiled, well Megumi let out a small smile. "Hey, (F/N)-san!" "Hey, (F/N)" "Hello you all." They greeted and I greeted back.

I went in, placed the congee on the table next to the bed and sat beside Megumi. I patted his messy hair.

"Since when were you buddies with the gorilla?" Nobara-chan asked. "Um, I wouldn't say we're buddies. I remember what had happened, but I wasn't really myself." Yuji-kun replied.

"So you were drunk?" She asked. "Kugisaki, do you really take me as someone who would drink during a situation like that? I'm hurt. But anyways, we're glad you're ok, Fushiguro! The boy Fushiguro." Yuji-kun said.

"Haha. I get who you're talking about, Yuji-kun." I laughed. "It ended up being a good thing that I ran out of cursed energy. Once we got rid of the root, Shoko-san was able to heal me. I prefer something easy on the stomach." Megumi said.

I grabbed the congee on the table and gave it to Megumi. "Here, Meg. I made it for you." I said.

"Thanks, (F/N)." He opened up the container and started to eat it with the spoon I gave. "So things like that happen too, huh?"Yuji-kun said.

 "Yup. We're jujutsu sorcercers after all." I said. "You fought against it right, Itadori, (F/N)-san?" Nobara-chan asked.

"Yup." I just nodded. "Itadori. You've gotten stronger. We talked about our own truths back then. Maybe we're both right. Or wrong." Megumi said.

"There are questions that don't have answers, you know, Megumi." I said. "You're overthinking it. You're gonna go bald." Nobara-chan teased.

"Yeah. There's no answer. It comes down to whether you can come to terms with it or not. It's impossible to do that without a sense of self. Weak jujutsu sorcerers don't have a sense of self. I'll also get stronger and surpass you!" Megumi said.

"Heh heh. That's more like it!" Yuji-kun smiled. "Don't forget about me!" Nobara-chan piped in. I smile at what I'm hearing. 

"Say talking about strong, (F/N)-san. You were able to use Black Flash. That was so cool! How did you do it? Who taught you? I had Todo help me." Yuji-kun stated.

"Hehe. I don't really know how I did it. I guess I just did it unintentionally." I said. "Really? Cool!" He smiled.

"You used Black Flash, (F/N)?" Megumi asked. "I guess I did." I shrugged. "As expected of my brother's friends." 

I jumped from where I was sitting. We looked around to the voice and saw Todo-senpai sitting there, nodding.

Yuji-kun jumped up from where he was sitting and ran out of the dorm. Todo-senpai jumped up too and followed the poor boy. 

"COME BACK, BORTHER!" Todo-senpai yelled. "I'M THANKFUL! BUT PLEASE, ENOUGH! I WASN'T MYSELF!" Yuji-kun yelled back.


"I DIDN'T GO TO JUNIOR HIGH WITH YOU!" Us Tokyo students just deadpanned at the scene and what we're hearing.



Hello there! Useless Miwa here! Even though I say that, I don't think I'm actually that bad. Howere, while everyone was putting their lives on the line, I was sleeping. 

I'm a little embarrassed. Who broke my sword anyways? Mai's sister? After all's said and done, we all thought the Goodwill event was over but after 1 day of rest, we're playing baseball!

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