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Both sides of the schools are now waiting for the signal to start. Megumi went up to Itadori. "Itadori. Are you alright?" Megumi asked.

"Yup. I got a big role but I'll be fine." Itadori said. "Not that. Something happened, right?" Megumi pressed.

"Ah? Oh, nothing." Megumi just stared at him. "Something did happen. But I did mean it when I said I'm fine. Rather, because of that, I feel like I really don't wanna lose to anybody." Itadori confessed.

"Then it's fine. I kinda don't wanna lose too." Kugisaki, hearing what Megumi said, turned to him. 

"What the hell do you mean 'Kinda'? You wanna die? We're going for a total victory! For Maki-san's sake!" She yelled.

"Please stop that." Maki said. "Mentiko!" Inumaki agreedl "Yes. For Maki-san's sake." Kugisaki said nodding her head.

"Sure. For Maki-chan!" (F/N) cheered. "Hehe. With that being said, let's do this!" Itadori was in front of everyone when Maki kicked him and made him fall. "Why are you taking the front?" Maki asked.

The intercom then went on. "1 minute until the event starts! Now let's hear some encouraging words from Utahime-sensei!" Gojo yelled.

"HUH!? Er... Uh it can't be helped if some of you get hurt but you know... Help each other out and such." Utahime was cut off by Gojo. "Times up!" "Wha... Hey, Gojo!" Utahime yelled.

(F/N) facepalmed at what she was hearing. "Poor Utahime-sensei." She muttered. The others nodded. "And now, the Sister School Event..." Gojo started.

With the Kyoto students, they were looking for Todo. "Where's Todo?" Kamo asked. "Why would I know?" Mai replied. "Let's not fight, please." Miwa came right in between.

"START!" Gojo yelled. "Respect your senpai!" Utahime shouted. They all started to run. "Wha?" Itadori questioned. "This is so dumb." Megumi muttered.

"Megumi, who's shikigami are we gonna use?" (F/N) asked. "We can use mine." Megumi repiled. "Got it." She nodded.

"Where's the boss curse?" Kugisaki asked. "They released it at the midpoint of each school. But it's not like it would stay in one spot." Panda said.

"Wait for the signal to split up into the Panda team and Fushiguro team to search for the enemy. Counting on you, Yuji." Maki said. "Roger!" Itadori shouted.

Megumi's demon dog (The black one because the white one got destroyed) then barked, signaling that there is a nearby curse. "Looking down on us?" Panda asked. "Small fry." Maki said.

Panda and Maki were about to get at it when Megumi shouted. "Senpai, stop!" Just then, Todo came popping out of nowhere and landed right in front of everyone. 

"Alright! Everyone's here! Come at me at once!" Todo yelled. Itdaori then smashed his knee on Todo's face. Maki took that distraction. "Disperse!" Maki yelled.

The Fushiguro siblings and Maki ran one way while Inumaki, Panda, and Kugisaki went another. Well, (Y/N) jumped and grabbed onto the trees. She used her flexibility, skills, and balance to help her too.

The teachers and principals watched through the monitors. They were amazed by (F/N)'s performance even though it was only the start to the event. 

"What incredible speed and skill. What grade is (F/N)-chan again?" Mei Mei asked. "She is a special grade 1." Yaga replied.

"Is that so? She could be a special grade with what she has." Utahime said. "I even said that last year after the Geto incident but she didn't want the title!" Gojo said.

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