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On the Tokyo side of their meeting, Itadori was kneeling on the ground, holding a frame meant for the dead. "Um, this is kind of harsh bullying for those who are supposed to be my allies." He said.

"Shut up. Stay like that for a while." Kugisaki said. "Hey now, he already explained himself, so just forgive him." Panda said.

"It spoke!" Itadori was surprised. "Shake sushi." Inumaki agreed. "Come again?" Itadori was not confused. 

"Inumaki-senpai is a cursed speech user. It's a kind of exorcism that amplifies the power of words and forces them on people. So he limits what he says." Megumi explained.

"So if he tells some to die, they die?" Itadori questioned. 

"It's not that convenient of a thing. It depends on the user. Strong words have a large recoil and worst case, they right back at the user. Limiting his vocabulary mostly protects himself." Panda said.

"Huh. So why can you talk, senpai?" Itadori questioned, still very confused of what was happening right now.

While the boys talked, the girls were just watching them. "He's just explaining someone else's technique." (F/N) patted Kugisaki's back. 

"It's fine, it's not something that affects Toge after all. That aside, Yuji!" Maki said. Maki spread out her hand. "Give back my slaughter demon." She demanded. 

"Gojo-sensei... Has it." Itadori said. "TSK! That blindfolded idiot." Megumi knew that Itadori was lying. (F/N) also saw by the way he acted, he was lying. 

Gojo on the other hand spit his tea that was in his mouth out due to sneezing. 

"So what do we do about the battle formation? We got a new member. So should we change it? There's no time." Panda said.

"Okkaka." Inumaki said. "Well, that depends on Yuji." Maki said. "What can you do, Itadori-san?" (Y/N) questioned.

The said male turned to the female Fushiguro. "You can call me Yuji, senpai." He said. "Ok, Yuji-kun. You can call me (F/N) since you don't want to confuse me with Megumi." She smiled.

"Ok, (F/N)-senpai. And to answer your question, punching. Kicking." Itadori said. "We got enough of that." Panda said.

Itadori sulked. "I don't know what this guy did while he was 'Dead' but if he were to fight everyone in both the Kyoto and Tokyo schools with no cursed energy, then Itadori would win." Megumi said.

That surprised the 2nd years. "Hehe." (F/N) smirked with Maki while giggling like a witch. "Nice." Maki said.

On Kyoto's side of the meeting, Principal Gakuganji was talking with his students. 

"Kill Sukuna's host, Itadori Yuji. That's not a person, so we can scratch everything down to an accident. No need for hesitating and holding back." 

Miwa didn't want to. "Isn't he around because he can't die?" Someone said. (I don't know who did.)

"I heard his previous death was a suicide. What do you have to do to take precaution against another sorcerer? Kamo." Gakuganji called to the male.

"Yes. We have to kill them with cursed techniques to avoid any post death curses." Kamo replied. 

"Exactly. There's no problem if you kill them with cursed techniques. Itadori Yuji controls the body. He only has one life as long as Sukuna doesn't surface. Killing him should prove to be easy." The old man said.

Just then, Todo stood up and kicked the door. "This is pointless. Do as you will." Todo said. "Come back, Todo. The principal is still talking." Kamo called out.

"Takeda-chan is a guest at the walking show at 11. Do I really need to explain myself?" Todo said. "Just record it. Sit back." Kamo replied.

"I'm watching it in real time and recording it. What do you take me for? Are you messing with me? Listen, you people, you too, old hag. I've been long disappointed by you people with no taste in women. You can do as you want but the next time you order me around, I'll kill you." Like that, he walked out.

Miwa started to talk. "What are we going to do now? He's not going to listen to us." "It's fine. That guy will fight the Tokyo group, either way. We can focus on the game while he's going berserk." Kamo said.

"But we have to kill Itadori Yuji, right? Todo doesn't fight to kill." Mai said. "Then we have to observe Todo and finish Itadori ourselves, right?" Kamo said.

"The curses are around, so it could be a 2 on 1, right?" Miwa said. 

"No. It's a serious problem that a half human guy like Itadori gets to be in the match to begin with. I can't let this go by idly as a member of the Kamo clan and the next heir. We're going to attack Itadori Yuji all at once." Kamo said.

"Wait. What if Inumaki-kun or (F/N)-chan is together with him? It's risky to get everyone together against a cursed speech user and a Zenin with powerful techniques. No offense, Maki-chan." Momo said.

"None taken. I admire (F/N)-chan." Mai said. "Worst case, Inumaki could incapacitate us all and (F/N)-chan can use her shikigamis." Momo said.

"That's true." Miwa said. "Nah, it's not a big deal if you know it's coming. Maybe (F/N)-san, though. She has more tricks up her sleeve." Kamo said.

"Leave Maki to me. If possible, that brown haired 1st year too." Mai said. "What a Todo-like remark." Kamo restored. 

While the meeting was happening, Gojo and Utahime were having tea in the overview room. "You wanted to talk?" Utahime asked.

"Why are you mad?" Gojo asked. "I'm not really mad." Utahime said. "Of course. I didn't do anything wrong. Someone in the schools is in contact with a curse user or a curse spirit." Gojo said.

"No way! A user is strange enough but a cursed spirit!?" Utahime yelled. 

"Stuff on that level has been popping around more often like it's normal. Could be a curse user flaunting his power though. I want you to investigate things at the Kyoto side, Utahime." Gojo said.

"And what if I'm the spy myself?" Utahime questioned. "No way. You're too weak. You don't have the nerves, Utahime." Gojo said.

The said woman got angry and tossed her cup of tea at Gojo but his infinity stopped the tea and cup from hitting him. 

"Scary! Hysterical women aren't popular, you know!?" Gojo said. "I! AM! YOUR SENPAI!" Utahime shouted.

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