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It has been a week since Geto-san's visit and it was near the Goodwill Event. 

It was only for the 2nd and 3rd years but they were short on people so Okkotsu-kun joined to even it out. 

It was in Kyoto so us first years didn't get to watch and see. Or so I thought. I was invited to watch the Goodwill Event so I went with our 2nd and 3rd years, Okkotsu-kun, Gojo-sensei, Shoko-san, and Yaga-san to Kyoto. 

I was with Okkotsu-kun since I was more comfortable with him. He was really scared from what I observed. 

"Don't worry, Okkotsu-kun. You should trust our senpais. I actually met Kyoto's first and second years and they were really nice." I said.

"Y-you met them? When?" He asked. Gojo-sensei then popped in. "Ya, (F/N)-chan. When have you met them?" He also asked.

"When I went on my mission in Kyoto when Okkotsu-kun first came. I finished early and Nitta-san brought me there." I explained. 

"I see." The both nodded."I got to go on a tour and met them." I continued while remembering that had happened when I was in Kyoto. "Oh ok." They nodded again.

We were now at the gates of the school. We all walked up the stairs and were greeted with Kyoto's 2nd and 3rd years, teachers, and principal. 

The 3rd years on both sides started to greet each other along with the teachers and principals. I greeted the people that I know too. 

"Nice to see you again, Kamo-senpai, Todo-senpai, Nishimiya-senpai." I greeted the 2nd years. "Ah! Nice to see you too, (F/N)-chan!" Todo-senpai shouted.

"Likewise, (F/N)-san." Kamo-senpai said calmly. "Hey (F/N)-chan!" Nishimiya-senpai said normally.

"What brings you here? Are you here to participate?" Kamo-senpai asked. "Ah, no I was invited to watch." I explained. "I see." They nodded.

"Well, I'm going to greet the others. Good luck, senpais. See you around!" I said with a smile. "See ya!" They said back.

I went up to Kyoto's teachers. "Nice to see you again, Utahime-sensei, Mei Mei." I said. "Nice to see you too, (F/N)-chan." Mei Mei replied.

"(F/N)-san. Same. Are you here to participate?" Utahime-sensei asked. "I was invited to watch. Okkotsu Yuta will be the one that will be participating." I explained.

"I see." She nodded. "I'm going to say hi to Gakukanji-san. See you around." I said. "Sure." They both nodded. "See ya, (F/N)-chan." Mei Mei said.

I walked over to Gakukanji-san and saw that Yaga-san was there. I bowed. "Nice to see you again, Gakuganji-san." I said.

"Ah. (F/N)-san. Nice to see you too." He replied. "Oh (F/N)-san, you know Kyoto's principal?" Yaga-san asked.

"Ya I do. When I went on a mission here in Kyoto, I came here with Nitta-san to visit." I explained to him. 

"She introduced herself to me when she came. Very polite too." The old man complimented. "Thank you, Gakuganji-san. Well, I should take my leave." I said.

Like that, I left and went back to Okkotsu-kun. "Sorry I left. I just wanted to say hi to the people I know." I apologized.

"It's fine." He said. "Did you talk to anyone?" I asked. "I'm scared." He replied. "Haha. I can tell. I'll stick with you until the Goodwill Event starts." I said.

"Thanks, (F/N)-chan. Sorry if I'm holding you back from talking with the others." Okkotsu-kun said. "It's fine." I shrugged.

The principals then announced the start to the Goodwill Event and explained what was going to happen for the group challenge. 

"Welcome to the 29th annual Goodwill Event held in Kyoto. Before I say what the group challenge is, I want to introduce you all to 2 first year students from Tokyo." Yaga-san then called for me and Okkotsu-kun to stand in front of him. 

"This boy here is Okkotsu Yuta. He will be the one participating in the event. This girl here is Fushiguro (F/N). She was invited here to watch." Yaga-san explained. 

Me and Okkotsu-kun bowed and walked back to where we were standing before. "That was scary." Okkotsu-kun said. "Really? I didn't think anything of it." I said. Yaga-san continued his speech.

"The group challenge will be 'Throbbing exorcism race'! A grade 2 curse will be released in the middle of the school area. The first team to exorcise it wins! There will be grade 3 and below curses that will be released too around the area. If the game doesn't end by evening, the team with the most curses exorcised wins! There are no other rules other than that! That means you are allowed to attack each other but you guys are on the same team when exorcising the curses. Please do not kill or incapacitate your opponents. Go on and talk with your team about a strategy. You're free till noon."

With that Kyoto and Tokyo went to their respective places for their meeting. "Good luck, Okkotsu-kun, senpais." I bid everyone. "Thanks!" "Ok!" They replied back. 

Gojo-sensei then called for me. "(F/N)-chan! Come with me!  We're going to go to a room that oversees the event!" He called out.

"Ok." I nodded. I walked with Gojo-sensei to the room. The other teachers and principals also went into the room. 

"Take a seat anywhere, (F/N)-chan! But I recommend sitting beside me!" Gojo-sensei said. "Um. I'll just sit beside Utahime-sensei. She's way more clamer." I said.

"Le gasp! Are you betraying me, (F/N)-chan!?" He asked. "Maybe. Maybe not." I shurgged my sholders.

Mei Mei and Shoko-san just laughed. Like I said, I sat beside Utahime-sensei. I also ignored Gojo-sensei's whining. 

"Would you like some tea, (F/N)-san?" Utahime-sensei asked. "Sure. Thank you." I replied. After 30 minutes of talking with the teachers and principals, the Goodwill Event started.

*Timeskip to the end of the event because I don't know what to write*


The Goodwill event has ended with Tokyo as the winner. It was now time to head back to Tokyo for the Tokyo crew. (F/N) was just talking to Kyoto 2nd years. 

She was kinda sad that she didn't get to see the 1st years. "You did a great job, senpais. You have next year, right? I'll also be joining then. So keep practicing to get stronger!" I said.

"Thank you, (F/N)-chan." Nishimiya-senpai said. "We will be stronger by then, (F/N)-san." Kamo-senpai replied. "You'll be participating next year!" Todo-senpai yelled.

"Of course. I'll be a second year by then." I nodded. "I would love to see you in action." Kamo-senpai said.

Yaga then called for (F/N). "(F/N)-san! We're going now! Come on!" "Ok! Bye senpais!" She bid them goodbye. "Bye (F/N)-chan/(F/N)-san!" They returned the saying.

(F/N) then went up to Okkotsu. "You did amazing out there, Okkotsu-kun!" She said. "Really?" He asked. 

"Yup. I was watching, remember? Despite being the youngest, you were on par with everyone." (F/N) complimented.

"Thanks." Okkotsu said. "It was because of me! The great Gojo Satoru!" Gojo shouted. "Sure, I guess." (F/N) shrugged.

"To be honest, it was an overwhelming win for us because we have Rika on our side." (F/N) continued. "Very true, (F/N)-san." Yaga agreed with the girl.

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