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Today, everyone in the 2nd years will be training the 1st years. Right now, only Kugisaki was there with the 2nd years. 

Megumi went to talk to one of the mothers of the 5 detainees in the battle of the cursed womb a few days ago. When he was finished, he went to where everyone was. 

Maki and Inumaki saw him coming. "You're late, Megumi." Maki called out. "Kelp." Inumaki greeted. "Where did you go?" Maki asked. "Does it even matter?" Megumi asked.

(F/N) walked up to the trio, finished with all 10 laps around the track. Panda was chasing Kugisaki. They were going to practice falling training. 

"Oh, Megumi. You're here." She said. "Zenin-senpai, (F/N). As a jujutsu sorcerer, what kind of people do you want to save?" Megumi asked.

"Huh? I don't think about that." Maki said. "I wasted my time asking." Megumi mumbled but was still heard by Maki and (F/N). 

"WHAT!?" Maki yelled. "HAHAHA!" (F/N) laughed. "(F/N)-chan!" Maki yelled at (F/N) this time. "What about you, (F/N)?" Megumi asked.

"All I care about is to protect the innocents." The said girl said. "Why did I ask again?" Megumi said. "Oh don't say that!" (F/N) slapped him lightly. "FUSHIGURO!" A voice called out.

They 4 turned to where Panda and Kugisaki were. Panda was spinning her like crazy. 

"Why are you over there conducting an interview!? Trade places with me! This school uniform is a pain! I'm gonna go buy a cute tracksuit!" Kugisaki yelled.

"What are those 2 doing?" Megumi asked. "Falling training." Panda replied. "Why?" Megumi asked again.

"You guys are weak in close combat. First, try and win against me. Then, we'll talk." Maki said. "But I trained with (F/N) all the time before she left for Africa." Megumi said.

"Before she left, she was not really good." Maki said. "Hey! I was decent." (F/N) sulked. "Whatever makes you sleep at night." Maki said. "Whatever!" (F/N) walked away. 

"She's really good now. On par with me to be exact. Not only that. She perfected most of her shikigamis and other technique. She also knows Reversed Cursed Techniques and obviously is now good with close combat and with tools. Your sister is one hell of a sorcerer." Maki said. 

"Ya. I kinda wanna be like her." Megumi said. "Hm." Maki nodded. Maki also wanted to be like her despite not having cursed energy.

While they were training, Gojo and Itadori were also training. Gojo was talking about how Itadori should control his cursed energy and him needing to know about jujutsu. 

Gojo started to explain about cursed energy and cursed technique. Gojo then asked Itadori to punch his outstretched palm. 

"Don't blame me if you get hurt!" Itadori said. "Ya ya. Hurry up." Gojo said. Like that, he punched Gojo's palm. "I didn't feel any cursed energy." Gojo commented.

"WHAT!? WHY!?" Itadori cried out. "The basis of cursed energy is negative emotions. When you mentioned that other time, you were overwhelmed with anger and fear, right?" Gojo said.

That made Itadori have a thought. "When using cursed energy, I've always gotta be mad! Fushiguro always seems a little ticked off too!" Itadori said.

An image of Megumi yelling for his demon dogs popped up in his head. "Nope." Gojo said while shaking his head. He knew what Itadori was talking about.

Megumi on the other hand seemed a little ticked off all of a sudden. Maki and (F/N) were near him while Inumaki, Panda, and Kugisaki were doing the falling training. 

"What's wrong?" Maki asked. "Something really annoyed me right now." Megumi said. "You little..." Maki started. "No, not you 2." Megumi said.

"There's a month and a half left until the event. Don't get distracted. Here, try this polearm next." Maki said. Maki gave Megumi the staff she was holding. 

"This is like the pole (F/N) gave me for Christmas last year. She trained me on this and many others." Megumi commented. 

"Ya. It's kinda like the one I gave you. Use the same stance and hand placing like I taught you." (F/N) said. "K." Megumi nodded.

Back to Gojo and Itadori. Gojo was talking about training emotions when channeling cursed energy. 

"There are many ways to train for this. I'm gonna have you do a very tough one." Gojo said.

Itadori was sent on the edge. "Like what?" Itadori asked. "Watching movies!" Gojo shouted. "Watching... Movies!?" He shouted too.

"Yup." Gojo then whipped up a cursed corpse. Not that Itadori knew of. "You have to watch the movies without waking it up. In other words, don't get hit! This training will teach you how to control the flow of your cursed energy under any condition. You don't want to give it too much or too little." Gojo said.

"There's no way I'm gonna let up." Itadori said. "So which one first?" Gojo started to ramble on about the movies he had seen already. "Spoilers, dude. Let's start with an acti... NGH!" 

Itadori had enough of the cursed corpse punching him so he threw it on the floor. "AAARGH! DAMNIT!" Itadori yelled. 

"Hey! Even though you're frustrated, keep your cursed energy steady!" Gojo shouted while looking at the movies in his hands.

Back to the students, they were already finished with training. Kugisaki went to the mall leaving the 2nd years and Megumi. 

"Carry cursed tools, huh? It's true that they are an advantage to using them in close combat. But I like having my hands free considering my cursed technique. It seems like you at least carry 2, Zenin-senpai. Where do you keep them?" Megumi asked Maki.

"I make Panda hold them." Maki replied. "What about you, (F/N)? How do you carry them when both your techniques require using your hands?" He asked his sister.

"You'll figure it out on your own, Megumi." She replied. "Hm." Megumi nodded. 

"There are jujutsu sorcerers who use cursed spirits to store them as well." Panda said.

"I'd love one. They're really rare and you almost never see them used since it takes a lot of time to tame them. Let me know if you find one." Maki said.

"Sure. For a year worth of sausages though." Panda said back. Megumi started to go into thought. He placed his hand on the stair he was sitting on. 

(F/N) was just staring at him. Just then, his hands went through the stairs. (F/N) smiled because he figured it out. 

She also uses her shadow to store her cursed tools. "Tuna tuna." Inumaki also noticed what Megumi did and called for everyone. "Huh? What?" Maki asked. "Senpai. I think we're good." He smiled.

He also caught (F/N) smiling at him. "What's up with you, (F/N)?" He asked. "I see you found your answer without my help. It makes me smile seeing you being independent." She said.

"Hm." Megumi nodded. "What you just figured out, I also do the same." (F/N) said while showing Megumi.

Back to Itadori, he was just punched by the cursed corpse. "Not when I'm drinking!" Itadori said.

"Then don't drink." Gojo said. "Watching movies is all about snacks and soda!" Itadori said. "True. Well, I've got to run. Gotta see the principal. Keep it up." Gojo said.

"Am I really gonna get stronger?" Itadori questioned. "Yeah. Oh, by the way, did you talk with Sukuna when you were 'Dead'?" Gojo asked.

"Talk...?" Itadori questioned. "Any contract or conditions in exchange for fixing your heart?" Gojo continued. 

"Um. We talked about something. I don't really remember." He said. "I see." Gojo nodded.

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