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*Flashback to before Miwa's thoughts last chapter*


As of right now, a meeting was happening. All the students of both schools were sitting in a waiting room. Gojo stood in front of everyone. 

"So, a lot of things happened and some people died. What do you think? Should we continue with the event?" Gojo asked.

"Hm?" "What kind of question is that?" Eveyone questioned. "Then yeah. Let's continue." Everyone looked at the person who talked. "TODO!?" Itadori yelled.

"What makes you say that?" Gojo asked. "First, mourning is for those who are close with the deceased. It's none of our concern. Second, if there were fatalities, what should be expected is to get stronger! Strength happens when we want results. To suffer or be victorious, we grow regardless. Results are results." Todo reasoned.

Miwa and Mai were whispering to each other in the background. Miwa was talking highly of Todo while Mai replied with sarcasm. 

"Third, having unfinished business during our school days will stick with us until we die!" Todo finished off this thoughts.

"How old are you again?" Gojo asked. Everyone started to reply with agreements. "I don't mind." Megumi said. "We'll win anyways." Kugisaki replied.

"He sounds ridiculous but he has a point." Kamo said. "Why don't you rest, Kamo?" Momo aksed. 

"No objections!" Panda said. "Salmon." Inumaki nodded. "Is the pairing for individuals drawn randomly?" Maki asked.

"Huh? We're not doing that this year!" Gojo said. Everyone was so confused besides our MC. 

(F/N) just deadpanned, already thinking of the scenario since the end of the other meeting. 

The first years then replayed what Panda said before.

"I don't like routines." Gojo then passed a box to Itadori. It was a box where they put suggestions in and will draw them out on the opening day. 

Itadori placed his hand in and grabbed a piece of paper. He looked at it and saw that it said baseball. Just as he was about to announce it, the principals surprised him. 

"Baseball!?" Yaga shouted. "Oh, didn't see you there." Gojo started to walk out the room. "What's the meaning of this, Yaga?" Gakuganji asked.

"So, I'm sure I suggested an individual... SATORU GET BACK IN HERE!" Yaga yelled for the man that walked out.

*End of the flashback*

Maki pitched the ball to Miwa and she hitted it but it was a sacrifice fly. 

Momo, who didn't know what a sacrifice fly ball was, started to run but Utahime, who was wearing a baseball uniform, yelled from where she was sitting. 

They then engaged into an argument. Kamo then walked up to base with Itadori as the catcher. Kamo then asked Itadori why he wanted to become a jujutsu sorcerer. 

While questioning and answering, Maki pitched the ball and Kamo made no effort on hitting the ball. Utahime yelled at Kamo this time.

Kugisaki was now at base with 'Mechamaru' as the pitcher. "You can call me Tohoku's Tanaka Masahiro!" Kugisaki yelled.

Megumi, Itadori, (F/N), and Inumaki, sitting on the side, heard her. "Tohoku's Tanaka is Tanaka." Megumi said. "Tanaka's a pitcher, anyways." Itadori said.

"Let the poor girl be." (F/N) shook her head. "Fish flakes." Inumaki said. Kugisaki was irked at it but let it slide. That was when she looked at who was pitching. 


(F/N) quickly wrapped her arms around Kugisaki's waist, holding her back. Mai looked at Kugisaki tauntingly.

"What are you talking about? This is a spare Mechamaru. We didn't have a choice since that Panda of yours destroyed him. Pitching machine? What's that? You know a lot, what are you, a geek?" Mai asked.

"It's one after another with you!" Kugisaki said. "Now now. Let's not fight." (F/N) dragged Kugisaki somewhere else. 

Once 'Mechamaru' pitched the ball, Kugisaki hit it with all she got and started to run. "She's nuts." Itadori said. "Hey, she got on base." Megumi said.

Megumi then went next to base but did a sacrifice bunt. Panda then went. When Maki went to base, she hit the ball spot on and started to walk away. 

"All right! That's 3 runs." Maki said. That was when Momo appeared on her broom and caught the ball.

That surprised everyone (Not really) on Tokyo's side. "WHAT!? NO FAIR!" Itadori yelled. 

"Fish flakes!" Inumaki also yelled. "Get back on base, Kugisaki." Megumi said.

Since there was a lack of players, 1 member on each team got to use jujutsu. Todo then stepped up to base with Itadori catching. 

"Heh, catcher huh? Catching. Throwing. Reading the game. Fielding. All that. A position worthy of you, brother. But what I seek is a one on one with Itadori as the pitcher!" Todo said.

"Todo!" Itadori yelled. "Why don't you pitch?" Utahime, who overheard them, spoke up in a tired tone from all the yelling she did moments ago. 

"No can do. Only Mechamaru can do it for now." She said. "Promise me, brother. If I hit a home run here, you'll pit..." He was cut off by a baseball to the face. 

Maki tossed it (Intentional) at Todo's face. The said male then collapsed. Itadori ran to him and cradled him. "TODO! HANG IN THERE!" Itadori yelled.

Everyone besides (F/N), who was looking at everything while shaking her head, around them all said the same thing. "Nice pitch!" 

"Todo, you really are hated!" Itadori yelled. The principals on the other side of the field talked about Itadori. 

When Todo was all good, he hit the ball Maki sent to him. It was going to be a home run, making everyone in Kyoto excited when (F/N)'s Nue shikigami appeared and grabbed the ball.

"HUH!?" They yelled. "You said one person from each team can use jujutsu, right?" (F/N) questioned. "Oh... Yeah." 

Inumaki was now up next to the base. He successfully did well and was now on the next base. "Woah! He's safe!" Itadori yelled.

"Inumaki-senpai is really fast, you know?" Megumi asked. "Salted fish roe." What I said before was cap, I guess, Utahime started to yell again. 

Itadori was next for base and he hitted a home run. The ball went right above Momo. "That's gone." Maki said. "All right!" Itadori yelled.

Lastly, we can't forget Fushiguro (F/N). She got into her position and was ready. The ball was sent to her. 

She swung with everything she got, adding a little cursed energy. The ball made contact with the ball with a nice crack sound. 

The ball went very far and was showing no signs of getting it back. "Oops." She said. "WOAH!"

In the end, the winner of the Goodwill Event is Tokyo with the score of 2-0. The principals were looking at a line of ants when Gojo walked past them while laughing. 

Stepping on the ants as he walked. "Yaga. How about you do something about Gojo first?" Gakuganji asked. Everyone left the field to get changed out of their sweaty clothes.

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