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Me and Megumi were now in my room. I was unpacking while he was just sitting on my bed. "So? How was going overseas?" He asked me.

"It was nice. Everything was 100% different from Japan. From the culture to the environment. Though I did miss Japan and you guys here a lot. All I did there was practice and exorcise curses I see. I was kinda associated too." I said.

"I see." He nodded. When I was finished unpacking, I sat beside him. 

"You know, you don't have to always bottle up your emotions. I haven't had a classmate die but it's kinda like how Tsumiki went into a coma." I said.

That said, Megumi started to cry. I hugged him and comforted him. "W-why do most p-people I c-care about l-leave?" He questioned. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. "D-dad. T-Tsumiki. Y-you even l-l-left for 2 m-m-months. E-even though I only m-met him, I can't h-handle seeing s-someone good d-die." He said.

"Oh Megumi. You could have told me that you don't want me to leave." I said. "B-but it w-was a good opportunity f-f-for you." He said.

"But to me, family comes first." I said. "I-I'm sorry." He apologized. "It's fine. How about we spend the day together?" I asked.

"S-sure." Megumi started to calm down. "Ok. So, where to go first? Want anything? Food?" I asked. "I kinda need new shirts." He said. "Ok. To the mall!" I shouted.


While that was happening, Gojo and Ijichi were talking about Gojo's dream. Shoko then was starting to dismember Itadori when the said boy sat up. 

"Woah! I'm completely unclothed!" Itadori shouted. To say, Shoko was shocked as hell. "G-G-G-G-Gojo! H-h-h-he's a-a-a-alive!" Ijichi stuttered.

"Heh heh. Shut up, Ijichi." Gojo said. "Too bad." Shoko said. "I'm embarrassed. Who are you?" Itadori said. 

"Yuji! Welcome back!" Gojo welcomed the boy. "It's good to be back!" Itadori smiled. They both clapped hands together.

Gojo and Shoko were now walking away from the morgue. "Oh right. I have to change the report." Shoko said.

"No need. Leave them as is." Gojo said. "Why, huh?" Shoko questioned. 

"Before he gets targeted again, I'd like to do some basic training with him. Please leave him as dead on the report." Gojo reasoned.

"Hm? Then Itadori would have to go into hiding for good." She asked. "Nope. I'll have him ready in time for the Goodwill Event." Gojo said.

"Why?" She asked. "Easy. I refuse to keep this kid from living the best years of his life. Not just him, but everyone." Gojo smirked.

(F/N) and Megumi were walking around the mall. They went to buy Megumi's shirts already. "Let's go get matching outfits!" (F/N) shouted.

"Sure." Megumi said. "Man, your replies are dry." (F/N) whined. "What do you want me to say?" Megumi shot back. "I don't know." She shrugged. Megumi smiled a little. 

They went into a random shop that sold clothing. "How about we get jeans and a white shirt? It doesn't have to be jeans but something like jeans? And the white shirt doesn't have to be a shirt but a tank top." (F/N) suggested.

"Ya sure. I might just get blue ripped jeans and a white tee." Megumi said. "That's good. I'll get something like that. Maybe blue jean shorts and a white top." (F/N) said. 

(It can be anything that you like. That was just a suggestion.) 

"That sounds nice." Megumi nodded. "Now let's go find it!" They split up to find their clothes.

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