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Mahito, the curse, changed his feets into a horse's feet and charged right at the 2. He also changed his hands into blades. Nanami and (F/N) quickly and swiftly dodged the attack. 

"Oh? I know you're already one hell of a sorcerer, Blondie, but you, the girl, is also able to dodge my attack? My! How amazing! Say, I forgot to introduce myself to you nor Blondie. My name is Mahito. I'm an unidentified special grade curse. I'm a curse made by hate and fear. Nice to meet you and meet you again!" 

The curse introduced himself. The 2 sorcerers looked at Mahito then back at each other by the corner of their eyes.


-Since he introduced himself, might as well introduce myself.- "My name is Fuishiguro (F/N). I'm a second year student at Jujutsu Tech. I'm a special grade 1 sorcerer. Nice to meet you too, I guess?" I said.

Just then, I saw a wave of shock hit him. -Huh? The hell? Is it my imagination?- "Oh my! You're the Fushiguro (F/N)!?" Mahito yelled.

"Uh...Ya?" I questioned. I turned to Nanami-san. "Hey, Nanami-san? Did you see the wave of shock that hit him?" I asked.

"So you saw it too, huh? Maybe it's the way you introduced yourself. I mean, you did give important info on yourself in the introduction." He said.

"Oh, oops. Sorry." I said. "It's fine. At least we caught him off guard. We can attack him now." Nanami-san said. "Alright!" I nodded.


Once the girl introduced herself as Fushiguro (F/N), what Geto said to me a few days ago popped into my head. 

He said that the girl was really powerful. Having an amazing domain. Coming from a powerful clan that is 1 of the top 3 clans in the jujutsu community. 

Inheriting her clan's powerful cursed techniques. -We need her on our side so I can't attack her.- My thoughts were cut off when Blondie and (F/N) attacked me. 

Blondie chopped off my entire left arm while (F/N) attacked my legs with her dogs. Her dogs were biting my legs pretty painfully. -HUH!?-


Like Mahito said, Nanami and (F/N) attacked him. Nanami cut Mahito's arm while (F/N) told her Demon Dogs to bite his legs. 

Mahito reacted quickly by regenerating his arm back and kicking Demon Dogs to the wall. Luckily, (F/N) dispelled them before they hit the wall. 

Mahito attacked them again but this time, he summoned? about 6 transfigured humans. 

They started to go after (F/N), making her move away from Nanami. 

"(F/N)-san! He's got interest in me! He might attack me more than you!" Nanami yelled. "Ok! Once I finish these off, I'll come and help you!" The girl yelled back.

"It's fine! I got it handled!" He continued. "As much as I know you are my superior, I'll have to not follow that command!" (F/N) said.

(F/N) then placed her hands on the ground and quickly, her hand went right though. 

She heard a thud but ignored it and focused on her opponent. 

She grabbed a Special Grade Cursed Tool called Inverted Spear of Heaven. It's a dagger  that nullifies all cursed techniques on contact. 

She quickly got up into her stance and started to attack. She ran up a nearby wall and jumped down, right in the middle of the transfigured humans. 

In a circular motion just by spinning, she sliced it all in half.


I parted ways with (F/N)-san. I believe she can do it. I mean, she is a special grade 1 sorcerer afterall. Mahito then started to attack me again.

 This time, he shaped himself into a gigantic tita...curse. He was about to step on me, I ran up his other leg and sliced it, making him fall with a thud.

 I quickly looked over to (F/N)-san to see her cut the transfigured humans in half with a dagger. By the looks of it, the dagger was a special grade cursed tool. 

-Impressive. But where did she get the tool?- I heard Mahito talk behind me. 

"Haha! She's really powerful! Say, do you know why I took an interest in you?" He said. I just looked at him but I was curious. 

"I'm interested in you because I want to try and use my cursed technique on someone powerful like you, a grade 1 sorcerer. I use my technique on random people that don't have a clue about the jujutsu world. You pique my interest." 

"Is that so?" I asked. -That doesn't make sense. (F/N)-san is a higher rank than me and he's not attacking her, so why?- That is when it hit me.

He was involved with the attack at Jujutsu Tech during the Goodwill Event. (F/N)-san along with Gojo-san was not allowed in the curtain that was casted over the area. 

-They're planning something that involves (F/N)-san.- Another thought then hit me. -Not only with (F/N)-san but Itadori-kun.- 

Not because of the Sukuna that is in Itadori-kun but because of another reason that Mahito didn't attack him. -It all makes sense now.- 

I looked to the side and saw (F/N)-san standing there. It looks to me that she also knows what I thought about.

She quickly came to my side. "Are you alright, Nanami-san?" She asked. "Ya. Though I do hate overtime." I said. "Huh?" She looked confused.

I checked my watch and saw that it was 5:01 p.m. -Time sure goes by fast.- I then admitted more of my cursed energy. 

"Woah. You kept your cursed energy at a limit before and now you are using it to the fullest. Cool!" (F/N)-san said. 

"Oh? Are you joining too?" The curse asked. "I can't leave my mentor to fight alone." She replied. I then saw a flash of nervousness flash in him. 

-Huh?- I looked at (F/N)-san to see that she was also looking at me. -I guess she also saw it. Heh.- We both started to run at Mahito.

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