Coco and Jack

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Steffy, Liam and Hope are at FC. 

Steffy: This... Girl...Who helped Buckingham with the scheme is pregnant and back in LA?

Liam: That's correct.

Hope: Oh my God...

Hope put her hands on the desk to support herself.

Liam: Hope are you ok?

Liam runs to her and puts his arm around her.

Steffy: She was supposed to be gone. That was the deal... My dad told her to go and never come back.

Liam: But she's probably didn't know that she is pregnant. 

Hope: Keep her far away from me Liam. Please.

Liam: I will keep her away. I will do my best. 

Steffy: Wyatt is so in trouble right now. I can't even imagine to have a child with somebody like Flo.

Next scene: Wyatt took Flo to his beach house. 

Wyatt: You can put all your clothes in the guest room. 

Flo: Do you really want me to move in?

Wyatt: I need to be sure that you are safe when you are carrying my child. 

There is a knock on the door. Wyatt opens and Bill appears.

Bill: Hi there! I came to see how my son is doing.

Bill looks at Flo.

Bill: Can you explain to me what she is doing here?

Flo touches her belly and Bill looks down on it.

Bill: No... Don't tell me that it's your kid.

Flo: It's your grandchild.

Bill: What?

Wyatt: Dad, please...

Bill: Do you even comprehend what just happened? The girl that stole my grandchild will give birth to my third grandchild... This is some dark comedy!

Wyatt: Stop screaming Dad... Flo is pregnant. I don't want her to be stressed.

Bill: Flo is stressed? You know who else was stressed? Hope and Liam. For 8 long months... And we suffered with them. I couldn't even express my sadness because I didn't want to make them more sad, but it was eating me inside... What is she doing in my house?

Wyatt: I want her to be safe during the pregnancy.

Bill: She needs to go!

Wyatt: Think about the baby... 

Bill looks at Flo's belly again and thinks for a moment.

Flo: I'm so, so sorry. I had absolutely no idea that Hope was the mother and that the child's mother didn't know.

Bill: Spare me all these excuses. If you trust her to be around you... It's your choice... But don't come crying to me if she does something bad again. It will be on you! 

Next scene: Coco is hanging out with Donna at FC. 

Donna: What do you think about being a model at Forrester Creations?

Coco: Me?

Donna: Yeah! Hope told me that she need a new face for HFTF. 

Coco: I... I...

Donna: Come on! I will ask Hope... You still don't work anywhere... This could be an opportunity for you. 

Donna left and Coco looks on the floor wondering.

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