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RJ is in the hospital bed. He starts moving his hand. Slowly he opens his eyes. His vision is blurry for a moment. He feels excruciating pain. 

RJ: Help!

Nurse runs inside and checks confused and scared RJ.

Nurse: Please calm down. You are in the hospital. 

RJ: It hurts...

Finn walks in. 

Finn: RJ, please calm down. We will help you. 

RJ looks at him.

RJ: Finn?

Finn: Yes RJ. It's me. All your family is here waiting for you to get better.

RJ: I was in the car... 

Finn: Yes we know.

RJ: Jack?! Where is Jack?

Finn: He is fine. He is here too. 

RJ: He helped me... Right?

Finn: Yes.

Tears roll down RJ's face. 

Next scene: Brooke, Ridge and Coco are talking at the hospital.

Ridge: I can't take it any longer.  I can't lose another child.

Brooke: We won't lose him. We can't. 

Ridge: After Phoebe died I realized that things like that are possible... That's why I am so terrified right now.

Coco: He has to be fine.

Finn comes to them.

Ridge: Finn, any news? 

Finn: RJ woke up. He is in a lot of pain.

Brooke: Can we see him?

Finn: Only one person!

Ridge: We all have to see him. Us three... We are the closest people he has. 

Brooke: He probably needs all of us.

Coco: He might feel better if he see's us... Please. 

Finn: Alright, but for a moment. It's against the rules.

Coco: Thank you.

Next scene: Jack is with a nurse. She is checking on him.

Jack: I'm fine.

Nurse: There was some head trauma. Better stay with us for a while... Just in case.

Jack: My brother... How is he?

Nurse: He woke up. He is in a lot of pain. 

Next scene: Brooke, Ridge and Coco sit with RJ.

Brooke: You will be fine Sweetheart.

Coco holds RJ's hand.

RJ: Why do I feel so much pain?

Brooke and Ridge look at one another.

Ridge: You got hit pretty bad, but you'll be fine. Broken rib and some bruising. That's all.

Brooke: Hope, Steffy, Thomas, Sally and even Flo were here praying for you. Unfortunately they had to go because duty called, but we are here making sure you aren't alone.

RJ: Did you see Jack?

Brooke: Yes, we did. 

Ridge: Did he cause this?

Brooke: Excuse me?

RJ: No, he did not. Something was on the road and I didn't see it. I lost control. 

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