Taylor's grief

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Brittany follows the screams. She see's an old wooden home. 

Brittany: A house? Here? What are those screams? 

She looks around and decides to come closer. She see's a window of the basement and looks inside. She's shocked when she see's Steffy on the floor crying.

Brittany: My God, I have to call dad now! 

Brittany nervously tries to dial her father's phone when Sheila appears.

Sheila: Not so fast! 

She hits Brittany on the head and Brittany falls. 

Next scene: Everyone is still at Eric's.

Finn: I called all the local hospitals... Nothing. Nobody that fits Steffy's description arrived. 

Taylor: And the morgue?

Finn: What?

Ridge: Taylor what are you saying?

Hope walks towards Taylor and puts her hand on her shoulder.

Hope: Taylor, you said to my mom that she can't understand you... But I can... I know what you go through... Please remember that we are all here for you and for Steffy.

Taylor: I'm sorry.

Hope: For what?

Taylor: For making it easier for Reese. 

Hope: You didn't know.

Liam: Exactly... You didn't know. 

Taylor: Maybe it's karma.

Ridge: For what?!

Taylor looks at Bill.

Bill shakes his head and hides his lips.

Taylor: I don't know... I've done a lot of horrible things.

Brooke: All of us did. Look around and show me someone that didn't. You know I did... 

Taylor: I love my daughter so much.

Thomas: We all love her. 

Nick: I am mostly silent during this because I don't really know what to say, but I love Steffy too... And I love you Taylor. 

Taylor smiles to Nick through the tears.

Finn: Someone is calling. Hello? Yes? Ok...

Ridge: Any news?

Finn: Steffy's car... Is parked outside the hospital I work in... But no sign of Steffy. There are camera's there... We might be able to see her. Let's go there.

Next scene: Massimo, Jack and Sally are at Marone industries. 

Massimo: I've called every person that could help looking for her... 

Jack: I can't believe it... Steffy disappearing during the day? It makes no sense. 

Massimo: I am so worried... 

Sally: My history with Steffy wasn't always good, but the last years we are pretty tight... I will pray for her. 

Jack: We all pray for her... 

Massimo: I am in pieces... She's my granddaughter. The only granddaughter I have left. If anything happens to her I will murder the guilty person with my bare hands. 

Jack: I would help you do that.

Sally: Guys, she is probably alive and well... Stop with these dark scenarios. 

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