Taylor is back

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Everyone is still at Bill's and all of them can't get out of shock. Thomas goes closer to Karen.

Thomas: Caroline didn't die? 

Ridge: Karen, Caroline will always live in our hearts.

Hope: Ridge... She's alive. 

Thomas starts having teary eyes.

Ridge: How do you know?

Hope: I saw her.

Bill: We all did. Me, Wyatt, Liam, Katie, Hope, Douglas...

Thomas: Douglas saw her?

Hope: I had to lie and I'm sorry... Douglas was with Caroline all day yesterday.

Steffy: This is insane... This can't be true.

Thomas: Where is she?

Bill: Upstairs... With Douglas, Will and Katie.

Thomas runs up.

Karen: Wait! 

Thomas runs upstairs and calls for Caroline. Finally he finds a room where she is with Katie and the kids.

Douglas: Daddy, daddy! 

Douglas runs to Thomas and hugs him. Caroline looks at him with tears in her eyes.

Thomas goes down on his knees and cries. 

Caroline: Thomas... 

Douglas: Daddy don't cry.

Ridge, Brooke and Steffy follow. 

Brooke: Oh my God, it's you Caroline...

Steffy: You're alive!

Ridge goes straight to Caroline and touches her face.

Ridge: It's you... It's really you.

Caroline smiles through the tears.

Next scene: Wyatt and Flo are at home. 

Flo: You think they already know?

Wyatt: Yeah...

Flo: Maybe we should call them and ask them how it went?

Wyatt: They will call us...

Flo: What will Hope do now?

Wyatt: She will... I don't know.

Flo: So she will just hand Douglas over to Caroline? Just like that?

Wyatt: I don't know what is going to happen, but one thing is certain... Caroline will not give up on Douglas. Never. 

Flo: She is his biological Mom, but Hope... Hope loves him and she was there for him when nobody else was. 

Wyatt: It's not Caroline's fault. Look... I know that Hope is your cousin and considering that you feel guilty about her past pain makes you feel more sorry for her, but it's inevitable... She will have to give Douglas to Caroline. 

Next scene: Ridge, Brooke, Steffy, Bill, Katie, Hope, Liam are downstairs while Thomas and Douglas are upstairs. 

Katie: It was very emotional... I am so happy that Thomas can reconnect with the mother of his child.

Bill: Yeah... Me too. They are family.

Hope closes her eyes and gasps. 

Katie: I will put Will to bed. He was very shocked today... 

Hope: As we all were... Let me help you. 

Katie: Okay, come with me Hope. 

Hope and Katie leave.

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