He will come around

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Few days later Steffy and Finn are back from Iceland. They are in the living room at the cliff house with Taylor and Ridge.

Ridge: All the photos you took are really amazing. 

Finn: We saw things that we never knew existed.

Steffy: Yeah... Everything looks great on the photos, but in reality it's 10 times better. 

Taylor: After you arrived Kelly was so sleepy and went right to bed... She didn't even say a word about how much she liked the trip.

Finn: I would say she loved it.

Steffy: Definitely. She was a bit cranky at times, but in general... She had a blast! 

Ridge: Sounds great. 

Steffy: So what happened when we were away? Any news?

Ridge: Yeah... Caroline and Thomas are trying to work on their relationship.

Steffy: Wow!

Taylor: Under one roof.

Steffy: Even better.

Ridge: They still aren't there, but they are close. 

Steffy: They will get through it... I know it.

Ridge: Another thing that happened is... Diana was briefly dating... Rick. 

Steffy looks confused. 

Next scene: Nick and Massimo talk at Massimo Industries.

Massimo: Diana is so energized the last few days. I barely see her. I think she might be dating someone.

Nick: Oh really? Maybe one day she will bring him home.

Massimo: Maybe. She's my pride and joy. I could never ask for a better daughter. Can you believe that she is also Sheila's daughter? 

Nick: Hard to imagine.

Massimo: I know... But I've met Sheila's mother and she is a good woman. 

Nick: Maybe Sheila's father was a psychopath.

Massimo: I've heard that he was abusive. Sheila grew up in a terrible environment.

Nick: Diana had it easier.

Massimo: Thanks God. I will protect her as long as I have strength to do so.

Next scene: Diana and Rick kiss at Eric' guest house. After the kiss they smile to each other.

Diana: What a lovely place.

Rick: I know.

Diana: And so private. 

Rick: Nobody will bother us here. 

Diana: I got to be honest... Sometimes I am stressed because so many people live on this property. Your father, his wife and his son and Brittany! 

Rick: We will be fine. 

Diana: We told everyone that we aren't seeing each other...

Rick: You have a problem with that?

Diana: No... I just don't want them to catch us on a lie... But personally I do believe that it's the right thing to do. It's so fresh. We don't know if we will be together long term... Ridge, Brooke and Thomas... Everyone... They wouldn't let us grow. Now we have a chance to have many beautiful moments together without listening to everyone's complaints. 

Rick and Diana kissed again.

Next scene: Massimo is at Marone Industries when Steffy, Finn and Kelly enter his office.

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