Bring her back

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Thomas, RJ and Coco are in an FC office.

RJ: Thomas, I really do hope that you and Caroline will find a way back to each other. 

Thomas: I don't know what to do... Caroline ran away from LA... She's at her fathers place and I don't even know the address.

Coco: Have you called her mothers? They could give you the address... I know they want you two to make peace.

Thomas: They want us to make peace, but they also don't want to betray Caroline. She's already angry with them.

RJ: Thomas... Douglas is also your son. You have a right to know where he is.

Coco: That's true... You could call the police and...

Thomas: Absolutely not! I am not calling the cops on Caroline... 

RJ: Yeah... A bad move if you want to win her back.

Coco: Sorry... I am trying to help, but I guess that I am not good at helping.

Thomas: It's alright... It's a miracle that you even want to help me considering that I wasn't the best boyfriend to your sister. 

Coco: It's alright... You both moved on. She's happy and you...

Thomas: And I was happy. 

Next scene: Taylor and Ridge are talking at the cliff house.

Ridge: You probably wonder why did I come here?

Taylor: No. You probably want to discuss Thomas and Caroline.

Ridge: Yes... 

Taylor: I am horrified. You know that Caroline just ran off with Douglas?

Ridge: I know.

Taylor: How dare she?!

Ridge: She's hurt.

Taylor: It doesn't give her the right to do this. I need to talk to her. I will travel to New York.

Ridge: How are you planning on finding her?

Taylor: Her father is a doctor and I know his name.

Ridge: Okay, so you will search through the phone book?

Taylor: No silly... I have many friends in New York. Most of them doctors... I will find him. I am telling you.

Ridge: So let's say that you will find Caroline's current address... What will you tell her?

Taylor: I know what to do. Trust me.

Next scene: Thomas, Coco and RJ still talk.

Thomas: I know that Rick is your brother and you love him, but I am not on the best terms with him now.

RJ: I know.

Thomas: RJ, he is making moves on Diana.

Coco: Wait... What?

Thomas: Diana... My little cousin. 

RJ: Well technically she's an adult. She can always tell him no.

Thomas: He has his way with women... He manipulates them.

RJ: Rick is not a monster... 

Thomas: Maybe not, but he is toxic and I need to save Diana.

RJ: Diana is a big girl, ok? By the way... Rick didn't tell me anything about him and Diana dating.

Thomas: I can see the way they look at each other.

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