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Diana walks closer to Sheila.

Diana: Mom?

Sheila: Hi sweetie...

Diana: How is it possible? 

Sheila: I found out that Steffy went into labor... I had to come and...

Diana: And do what!?

Sheila: Don't yell... We are in a public place. 

Diana: Mom, police is looking for you...

Sheila: Don't you think I know that?

Diana: Mom, I won't inform the authorities because I'm your daughter, but you need to stay away from Steffy, Ash and Finn... Because that is what Finn and Steffy want. 

Sheila looks angry and disappointed. 

Next scene: Hope and Liam are at their home with Kelly and Beth.

Liam: Kelly, you have a little brother now. How do you feel about it?

Hope is holding Beth in her arms.

Hope: Kelly looks very happy to me. 

Liam: Alright... There two princesses need to go to bed.

Hope: Let's put them to beds.

Liam: I'll do it alone.

Hope: You sure?

Liam: Yes, you did enough of home work today. Let me do it.

Liam left with the kids and Hope sat on the sofa and called her mother.

Brooke: Hey Hope.

Hope: Where are you?

Brooke: At home.

Hope: Is Ridge with you?

Brooke: Not yet. I think you want to ask about little Ash, right?

Hope: Yes... And about Steffy.

Brooke: Steffy and the baby are fine. Trust me.

Ridge went inside the house.

Brooke: Honey, Ridge just came home. I'll call you later.

Ridge: Who was that?

Brooke: Hope. She asked about Steffy and Ash.

Ridge: They are doing pretty well.

Brooke: That's great! Did you take some photos of Ash?

Ridge: Actually I did. 

Ridge started showing Brooke photos of his grandson on his iphone.

Brooke: Aww... He looks a lot like Finn.

Ridge: I know. Handsome boy.

Brooke: Congratulations honey.

Ridge and Brooke hug.

Next scene: Diana and Sheila are till talking.

Diana: I can't believe you are dense enough to even come here.

Sheila: Diana, I am your mother... Please watch your tone.

Diana: Well you didn't act like a mother... 

Sheila: I'm sorry... I really love you, you know?

Diana: If you do then please go away... Don't force me to call the police.

Sheila: You wouldn't.

Diana: Mom, Steffy and Finn will see you... 

Sheila: I have to see my grandson.

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