Did it change?

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Ridge and Taylor talk.

Ridge: Ash Finnegan. That's a really cool name.

Taylor: More than cool. Ridge, we will have another grandson... How amazing is that?

Ridge: It's... It's really something that... I can't describe. A miracle.

Taylor: Yes. A true blessing. 

Nick walks in and see's Taylor and Ridge holding hands. 

Nick: Hey... 

Taylor: Nick. I was just talking with Ridge about my grandson. 

Nick: Douglas?

Ridge: No. Ash.

Nick: Ash?

Steffy: Steffy and Finn are going to have a boy and they will name him Ash. After my mother... Sharon Ashford. 

Taylor hugged Nick. While Taylor and Nick hugged Nick looked at Ridge looking jealous.

Next scene: Steffy and Thomas talk at FC.

Thomas: Congratulations sis. I am happy that Douglas will have a little male cousin to play with in the future. 

Steffy: Douglas will teach him stuff. 

Thomas: Yeah. 

Steffy: How do you like the name?

Thomas: I love it. I never knew grandma Sharon, but mom told me a lot about her. She was a wonderful woman.

Steffy: I am our other grandmother's namesake... Your son too. Now it was time to honor our other grandmother.

Thomas: I agree. I like it.

Steffy: So... How are you and Caroline doing?

Thomas: She's still distant. Too distant... 

Steffy: I will talk to her.

Thomas: No. It won't do any good. 

Steffy: How can you know that?

Thomas: Steffy, Katie already talks to her all the time... Mom did too... She will feel pressured. I don't want her to run away. 

Steffy: I get it... But hey, you two live together. It will be fine. You'll see. 

Next scene: Caroline is in the loft when she hears a door bell. She opens the door and see's Hope.

Hope: Hey Caroline. I came to take Douglas for the weekend. You know we spoke about it a week ago. 

Caroline: Yeah. Come in.

Caroline let's Hope inside.

Hope: Thank you. So is Douglas ready?

Caroline: He plays a video game... I will call him down in a minute, but first I want to talk to you. 

Hope: Okay...

Caroline: Hope... How... How were you able to... Forgive Thomas? 

Hope: Oh boy...

Caroline: I know it's a difficult topic, but I seriously don't get it. Everyone seemed to forgive him and for me this is... Too much, you know? I am trying so hard to forget and build a life with Thomas, but... 

Hope: Caroline... I witnessed Thomas's change. We all did... Thomas was a completely different man for some months. 

Caroline: But how could he change that much? What if he is that evil person deep down inside?

Hope: I don't think so. Look... If I would think that he might hurt you or Douglas I would tell you. 

Caroline: Hope... What about his obsession for you?

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