Family gathering

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Stephen and Flo hug.  After a moment Flo steps back and looks at Stephen.

Flo: My grandfather... 

Stephen: Yes. I am. 

Flo: Please sit on the couch with me... Maybe you want a drink?

Stephen and Flo sit down at the couch and hold hands. 

Stephen: I am so sad that you could never get to know your father.

Flo: Me too.

Stephen: Maybe then... 

Flo: Maybe then what?

Stephen: You would know better than to keep your cousins baby from her. Hope believed that she lost her little Beth. How could you?

Flo looks shocked and tears starts falling on her cheeks.

Next scene: Steffy is sitting by the desk and FC when she hears knocking.

Steffy: Come in.

Liam walks in with Beth in his arms.

Liam: Look who is here!

Steffy smiled, stands up and goes straight to take Beth into her arms.

Steffy: I missed you so much. How is my little princess? 

Liam looks at them with a smile on his face.

Liam: I was close by with Beth and I thought... Why not come over and let you see her.

Steffy: Thanks. I am grateful. Where did you guys go?

Liam: We were visiting the zoo. 

Steffy: Oh yeah... There is a zoo close by. I forgot that you used to take the girls there... When Beth was still my daughter.

Liam: She will always be your daughter... Not in the same way as Hope, but you are like a second mother to her. 

Steffy: I like to think that.

Liam: Hey, you look happy.

Steffy: I am. 

Liam: Finn?

Steffy: Finn and I are getting very close and it makes me happy. I won't pretend that it doesn't.

Liam: That's great.

Steffy: He stayed the night so I guess we can say it's official.

Liam: No way... Really?

Steffy: Yes...Really.

Steffy smiles. 

Next scene: Flo stands by the window crying. Stephen walks up to her.

Stephen: I didn't mean to attack you.

Flo: But you did... I mean, I deserve it and all that, but I really didn't know that the baby's mother was Hope or that the birth mother didn't know about that sale.

Stephen: It was still illegal and you had 8 months to confess.

Flo: I didn't want to lose my boyfriend and my family and I still did. 

Flo starts breathing heavily.

Stephen: Please sit down. You are pregnant, you shouldn't be stressed. I'm a fool to talk like that to you. Forgive me.

Flo: I was always alone with my mom. All I ever wanted was a family and now they all hate me.

Stephen: I don't hate you and I am sure that deep down inside... Your cousins and your aunts don't hate you either. 

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