I know how you feel

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Wyatt is watching tv in the beach house when he hears a door ring.  He opens the door. It's Hope.

Wyatt: Hi Hope... 

Hope: Hi... Sorry for not calling before, but I was afraid that Flo will tell me that she's fine and I know that she is not. Where is she?

Wyatt: So you've heard.

Flo walks into the room with Storm in her arms.

Flo: Hope?

Hope: Hi Flo... Oh it's Storm.

Hope smiles and walks closer to look at the baby.

Flo: Do you want to hold him?

Hope: Oh yes!

Flo hands Storm to Hope. Hope smiles at him. 

Hope: Hi little guy... You are so perfect. You look exactly like your Mommy.

Wyatt: He has my eyebrows. 

Flo laughs.

Hope: How are you Flo?

Flo: Now that you're here... Better.

Next scene:  Steffy is at home talking to Taylor.

Steffy: Finn is still at work. Tonight he will be back really late.

Taylor: He is a hard working guy.

Steffy: Yeah... But I get him. I also have a lot to do at Forrester Creations. 

Taylor: How was work today?

Steffy: Oh fine... Work is fine... Thomas told me that the girl that posed as Beth's Mom was unconscious at the beach today. 

Taylor: Oh... Is she ok?

Steffy: Yeah... She left her baby at home Mom... 

Taylor: I'm sure she's depressed after losing one of her sons.

Steffy: She also feels guilty for hurting me and Hope... Especially Hope.

Taylor: I can imagine why.

Steffy: From what I've heard she thinks that she is the reason why her son died.

Taylor: I know this feeling.

Steffy: What?

Taylor: As you know... When Phoebe died...

Steffy: No Mom! No! Don't go there! It's not your fault. 

Taylor: This is how I've felt for years. 

Steffy: When you got with Rick he was single.

Taylor: It doesn't matter. Phoebe loved him... It was a mistake. A foolish mistake... And Flo also made a mistake.

Steffy: How can you compare it?

Taylor: Steffy, it doesn't matter what kind of mistakes we made... It's different, but the guilt is similar. Flo needs help to go through this.

Steffy: And you are planning to help her?

Taylor: Could be therapeutic also for me. 

Next scene: It's the next day. 

Hope calls Brooke, Katie and Donna to one office.

Donna: We're here... What's up?

Katie: I think I know what it's about.

Donna: You do?

Hope: Caroline told you?

Katie: Yes.

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