It's time

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Steffy and Finn lay in bed and kiss after their passionate love making. 

Finn: Did I tell you how beautiful you are?

Steffy: So many times... You aren't bad yourself. 

Finn: Thanks. So... The fashion show was a big success I bet?

Steffy: It seems so. Orders keep coming. 

Finn: Your brother and his girlfriend are a great team.

Steffy: Yes... They are.

Next scene: Sally and Thomas enter the loft.

Sally: Thank you for the dinner after the fashion show. It was amazing.

Thomas: It was amazing to be on a dinner date with you. 

Sally: I was never that happy. I was happy before, but not as much as I am now. 

Thomas: Even with Wyatt?

Sally: I don't think about Wyatt. He and Flo are soul mates... I guess. They are expecting twins.

Thomas: How do you feel about it?

Sally: I feel nothing. I closed that chapter. 

Thomas: I'm glad. 

Sally: I hope that for you your chapter with Caroline is also closed.

Thomas looks worried. 

Next scene: Liam is at home holding Beth when he hears knocking at the door. He goes to open the door and see's Brooke. 

Liam: Hi Brooke, please come in.

Brooke: Hi Liam. Hi Beth. Come to Grandma.

Brooke takes Beth in her arms. 

Brooke: How is my little princess?

Liam: She's doing great. 

Brooke: Where is Hope and Douglas?

Liam: Hope and Douglas went to Caroline. Hope has made an important decision. 

Brooke looks confused.

Next scene: Caroline, Douglas and Hope are together in the living room.

Caroline: Hope I am so happy that you brought my little hero to me. 

Hope: I... I think it's time. 

Caroline: What do you want to tell me Hope?

Hope sits down.

Hope: Please Douglas sit near me. 

Douglas sit by Hope.

Hope: I know that you love your Mommy so much.

Douglas: I love you too. 

Hope: I know, but she gave birth to you... She gave you life... And she never wanted to leave you. She was... Unwell. 

Caroline's eyes become wet. 

Hope: I know that your Mommy is already capable of taking care of you... She just wanted to give me more days, but it's not fair to her. Not fair to you. 

Caroline: Hope I...

Hope: Caroline... Thank you for giving me time.

Caroline: Are you sure that you are able to do it?

Douglas: Mommy you don't want to be with me anymore?

Hope starts crying.

Hope: I do... But Caroline is your Mommy and she lost so much time with you already... If anyone knows how it's like... It's me. 

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