Act I - Scene 4: Aftermath

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SC04 - Aftermath


Zavier is sitting at the bar, enjoying a drink and watching the news on an overhead screen.

(On screen) REPORTER: With our troops returning home, we can breathe a sigh of relief that this war is finally over. Newly appointed Grand Admiral Raije Balfor had this to say.

The TV cuts to an earlier clip of the Grand Admiral giving a speech in front of a large crowd.

(On screen) BALFOR: While this war is now officially over, we must remain vigilant. There are still seperatist cells which must be brought to justice and we need to maintain a close watch on the western isles during the peace talks, so that we can ensure their surrender goes as smoothly as possible. For these reasons, the military presence in our cities and towns must remain for now.

There are cheers from the crowd. Zavier hears the man beside him grunt in disapproval.

MAN AT THE BAR: (Addressing the TV) Lies. You ain't ever gonna give up control now.

ZAVIER: I really thought at the end of this war we'd get a little freedom back. The Emperor made so many promises when this all started...

MAN AT THE BAR: Well turns out Emperor's nothin' but a backstabbin' politician aft'r all. Just like the rest of 'em.

Zavier motions to the TV, which is now showing an interview with another high-ranking officer.

ZAVIER: There's still General Greye. At least he takes a stand against this sort of thing.

MAN AT THE BAR: Ha! You wait, kid. The good ones always end up the worst.

Zavier takes a swig of his drink. Over the mans shoulder, he notices three soldiers in full uniform enter the bar. They stop and look over at where Zavier is seated. The soldier at the front grins and they make a beeline for Zavier. Zavier turns back to his drink.

SOLDIER #1: Hey kid. You gonna give up that chair for a war hero?

Zavier finishes his drink before answering.

ZAVIER: That depends, when are the heroes showing up?

The soldiers face sours.

SOLDIER #1: You better show some respect, boy. It's because of people like me you're able to have a nice drink in a peaceful town like this.

MAN AT THE BAR: Ha! You call yourselves soldiers but all you do is sit on the sidelines and push people about. Yer a bully.

The soldier turns to the man and grabs him by the collar.

SOLDIER #1: What'd you say to me?

Zavier lays a hand on the soldiers shoulder.

ZAVIER: Let go of him.

SOLDIER #1: Says who?

The soldiers suddenly realize everyone in the bar is staring at them. There are a few large and angry looking men in the crowd. The first soldier lets go of the man and pats him on the shoulder.

SOLDIER #1: Just a misunderstanding, gents. C'mon boys, lets get out of this dump.

He motions to the other soldiers and shoves Zavier on his way past. They exit the bar. Zavier turns back to the bar and the bartender places a drink in front of him and the other man.

BARTENDER: On the house.

Zavier nods in appreciation and takes a drink.

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