Act III - Scene 46: Ready Or Not

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SC46 - Ready Or Not


The council chamber is now full of people. In the front row - Kayla, her captain from the downtown office, her fellow soldier Gregory who let them through the gate, and several other soldiers - are seated, looking tense. Behind them, the rest of the officers sit nervously and whispering in deep conversation with one another. To their left, the politicians are seated in their own stand. At the front, Commander Fredricks and Vilicia Adams are no longer handcuffed but are still flanked by two guards. The right set of stands are the most colourful, where a large number of civilians - doctors, engineers and mercenaries - await their fates. Zavier and Eleanor slip into seats next to Roland Thane, who nods at them.

ROLAND: So... how do you fancy our chances?

ZAVIER: I'd really rather not think about it.

In the centre of the room, General Greye is pacing back and forth. Crimson is still sitting in exactly the same spot as he was left, apparantly having not moved at all. Greye stops and exclaims to one of the guards at the door.

GREYE: Where the hell is Admiral Balfor?

GUARD: No word yet sir but we have multiple patrols out looking.

GREYE: Is it possible he's left the city?

The guard shakes his head solemnly.

GUARD: No one's seen him leave the upper city sir. We've tightened our watch on the airship docks and all the lower city entrances but... nothing yet.

Greye puts his head in his hand and thinks for a few seconds. Then he turns to address the room at large.

GREYE: We'll have to start without him. If I could get everyones attention!

Everyone in the room falls silent and stares fixatedly upon the General. Greye begins to pace back and forth again.

GREYE: As you've all been made aware, an old enemy of ours has returned and is no doubt planning on declaring full-scale war on our nation. Our adversary is not human. It is demonkind.

A senator at the back of the left stand jumps to his feet at these words.

SENATOR #1: Prepostorous! Demonkind never existed. It's just a fairytale. A myth!

GREYE: Myself and many of the others in this room can testify that they are in fact real. Not only that, but the portal at Zalavast has reopened and is spilling out reinforcements on a regular basis as we speak!

A large number of senators rise to their feet this time. None of the other stands makes a sound.

SENATOR #2: This is absurd! If you are to be believed, then how did the portal open again? Surely it was destroyed centuries ago!

GREYE: The demons... found a way to fix it. They have been hiding, unnoticed in our world ever since they were defeated...

SENATOR #1: Hiding?! This is impossible! There is nowhere for them to hide within our nation. We endeavour to know every inch of our lands and the people who dwell there, do we not?

GREYE: It matters not how they remained at large. All that matters is that they are back and are ready for another war!

SENATOR #1: Then we would hear your proof, your testimonies! Your version of events does not sounds passable to my ears Valar.

There is a great murmuring of approval from the senators stand. Greye is about to retort when another voice, high in the right stand echoes throughout the room.

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