Act II - Scene 39: The Warning

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SC39 - The Warning


Eleanor and the rest of the team are heading towards the Philosopher, which is hidden behind a treeline in the outskirts of the Ethos Province. Eleanor is walking towards the ship with the sceptre still in her hand, in mid-explanation as to the events that transpired inside the cathedral, and flanked by Zavier and Kayla listening closely.

ELEANOR: then I realized it was Solis. He just stared at me for a bit then he just went back about his business as though I was never there.

ZAVIER: Did he see the sceptre?

ELEANOR: Yeah I'm pretty sure he did.

KAYLA: I reckon he would've been heading to the courtyard to give his big speech. But... the fact that he didn't raise the alarm is really strange.

ZAVIER: Maybe he wanted to do us a favour.

KAYLA: The way we left off, I doubt it. He didn't want anyone to do anything rash, remember?

ELEANOR: Maybe he has come round to our side. I think when he saw me, he knew there was no way to dissuade us anymore...

KAYLA: I guess.

They reach the Philosopher. Fredricks and Voss are already waiting at the main ramp, back in their old uniforms except that the Commander is still wearing the parade hat. He turns and gestures for the rest of them to get back onboard before walking up the ramp and out of sight. The sound of the airships engines gradually rumbles to life. The others break into a jog, following Fredricks up the ramp but as Eleanor steps onto it, Voss grabs her arm and pulls her back onto the grass. Zavier and Kayla press on ahead, having not heard this over the sound of the engines.

ELEANOR: Hey, what's the deal?

VOSS: We need to talk.

ELEANOR: Let me go!

VOSS: Not until you promise to hear me out.

ELEANOR: Can't this wait until we're on the ship?

VOSS: I can't risk anyone overhearing.

ELEANOR: Then you should have said something while we were in the cathedral.

VOSS: That wasn't exactly the best time. I didn't want to get caught!

ELEANOR: Well spit it out then! They're gonna take off without us.

Voss looks up at the Philosopher. Then he looks around the field to be certain they are alone before looking back at Eleanor nervously.

VOSS: You have to get away. In fact it's best if you leave now. Just take the sceptre and run.

ELEANOR: What the hell are you talking about? Wait, don't tell me this has to do with your stupid insurrection...

VOSS: You don't get it, do you? We didn't take a stand because Adams abandoned our country! We took a stand over the position she's got us into...

ELEANOR: What do you mean? What position?

Voss looks around nervously again and when he speaks, he has to raise his voice over the sound of the engines, which are getting louder by the second.

VOSS: Eleanor, they needed you to get the sceptre. It had to be you. The sceptre was sealed on it's pedestal, but you broke the seal when you picked it up. Then I realized it was meant for you. That seal wouldn't have broken for just anyone. It was all part of the plan. You're... her descendant, aren't you?

A large group of Ethos soldiers runs into view, coming up the path to their position, with Lyndsar Solis at their head. Eleanor shakes her arm free of Voss's grasp and tightens her grip on the sceptre slightly, ready to defend herself if need be.

ELEANOR: (Loudly) We have to get onboard Voss, now! Whatever you have to say can wait.

VOSS: Please, do not get on that ship! You are in danger. We all are!

ELEANOR: We don't have a choice!

VOSS: Yes we do!

Unable to remain on the ground without being caught, Eleanor turns and jogs up the ramp just as the ship begins to rise off the ground. She turns back and sees that Voss is still below. She dives forward and flings out her hand.

ELEANOR: Take my hand! Come on!

Voss glances back at the soldiers now dashing past the treeline, then shakes his head while steadily raising his hands in the air.

VOSS: I've made my choice. I don't want a part in this anymore. Just don't... don't let them get away with it.

The ship accelerates away from the ground and the ramp begins to close. Eleanor clambers backwards into the ship and just before the gap seals itself shut she glimpses Voss with his hands on his head, surrounded by shouting soldiers and Solis blinking up at her, with a defeated look upon his face. Eleanor stares in shock at the steel door where the ramp used to be, the only sound now being of the engines echoing in the corridoor around her. Then Zavier rounds the corner behind her and she turns to face him with a dumbstruck look still on her face.

ZAVIER: Everything alright? I thought for a minute you hadn't made it on... Where's Voss?

ELEANOR: He... he stayed behind.

ZAVIER: He got away? Damn, Fredricks is not gonna be happy. What about you? You look shaken.

ELEANOR: He told me something. That Dr. Adams did something... and that she wanted me to get the sceptre all along.

ZAVIER: Well of course she did, she's been helping us. Besides, you're not gonna take anything that guy says seriously are you?

ELEANOR: He seemed really worried Zave. Like he knew something was coming.

ZAVIER: I bet he was just scared of Fredricks. That man's been keeping Voss in line ever since his insurrection was thwarted. Look, you need to get some rest. I'll tell Adams about Voss, you just go back to your cabin.

ELEANOR: Yeah... you're probably right. After everything that's happened today, I really do need some sleep.

Zavier smiles and turns to head back down the corridoor. Eleanor is about to clip the sceptre to her belt when it suddenly flashes a bright white for a brief moment. As it does so, the ramp control panel on the wall beside her sparks and then loses power completely. Eleanor stares at it and then back down at the sceptre in her hand. She frowns, then clips it to her belt and strides off to her cabin.

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