Act I - Scene 15: Out of the City

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SC15 - Out of the City


Zavier and Eleanor stand watch on a street corner while Kayla attempts to rewire a car.

ELEANOR: I don't think I'm comfortable with stealing...

ZAVIER: We don't really have a choice. I don't have a car and they can track police vehicles.

ELEANOR: I guess.

Eleanor watches Kayla for a moment as she works on starting the car.

ELEANOR: She's pretty talented, huh?

ZAVIER: Well we used to spend a lot of time on the streets as kids. You'd be surprised how many tricks you pick up.

ELEANOR: I just feel so helpless next to you guys. I mean, I got myself into this mess. It should be me who has to deal with it.

ZAVIER: Are you kidding? You're the most talented person I've ever met! I mean, look at what you can do.

ELEANOR: But what use was it when I was stuck in that cell...

ZAVIER: Then you just need to figure out how to use it to your advantage. Hey uh, while we're on the subject I think it might be a good idea to fill Kayla in about... you. If she's gonna come with us, she should at least know why.

ELEANOR: (Thinks for a moment) Alright but let's get out of the city first.

The car springs to life and Kayla beckons for them to get in.

KAYLA: Good to go, let's move.

Kayla jumps into the drivers seat while Zavier takes the passenger side and Eleanor jumps in the back. Kayla turns the car around and they take off down the road. Before long they reach the main gate. Gregory pulls them over at a checkpoint and Eleanor ducks out of sight, but he spots Kayla in the vehicle and waves her through. They leave the city, driving southbound down a long road. When Mayagarde fades into the distance, Eleanor relaxes a little. She leans forward to address Kayla.

ELEANOR: Hey, so you realize we can't drive across the ocean right?

KAYLA: We can't risk air travel, it's too public and everything is monitored by the government. Our best bet is to take a boat from Axius.

ELEANOR: That... makes sense. But uhhh... (She points to the fuel gauge, which is almost at empty) is this a problem?


KAYLA: (Sighs) Don't look at me! You found the car.

ZAVIER: My bad? (Cheering up) Look, this should get us about halfway. We just have to find an upgrade before then, else we'll be walking.

KAYLA: I hate to sink this ship of positivity but there's nothing but wilderness and the odd checkpoint between here and Axius. First things first, do we have a map?

ZAVIER: Yeah, right here.

Zavier pulls a map out of his pack and unfolds it on his lap. Eleanor leans over from the back seat to look.

ZAVIER: We are here (Points to map). If I remember right, there's a pretty big outpost set up over here. The coast is bound to watched all the way down to Axius. Hmm.


ZAVIER: Looks like we can cut through the Atla wilderness to avoid the army. Though by the look of it, it's kinda... hilly.

ELEANOR: Well it'll be good exercise. Gotta keep that positive ship afloat, right?

Zavier raises an eyebrow at Kayla for approval and she rolls her eyes.

Kayla steers the car off the main road and onto a beaten track, heading east.

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