Act III - Scene 58: Shattered Rise

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SC58 - Shattered Rise


The guards outside the tower stand at attention as their master sweeps towards them. He stops briefly to look at the vortex in the distance before continuing forwards and addressing the guards.

DEMENCIA: We're leaving the tower in twenty minutes. Be ready to drop everything and head to cruiser thirty-three.


Demencia glances over his shoulder across the valley, then turns back to the guard.

DEMENCIA: Keep your eyes out. And if I'm not back here when the time comes, I want you to leave without me.

DEMON GUARD #1: Why wouldn't you be here sir?

DEMENCIA: That doesn't concern you. I'll make my own way to the ship.

And with that he pushes the door open and strides inside.

DEMON GUARD #2: There's no way I'd stick around any longer even if he ordered me to.

DEMON GUARD #1: Show some loyalty. He's saving all our lives.

DEMON GUARD #2: Well if you want to sit around and get sucked up by the vortex, then be my guest. Besides, what's the point in standing guard anyway? It's not like there's anyone left to break into the place.

The sound of crumbling rocks makes the two jump and spin around with their weapons raised.

DEMON GUARD #2: Bah it's nothing. Ain't nothing out here but dust and echoes.

The first guard ignores him and advances slowly.

DEMON GUARD #1: Who's there?

DEMON GUARD #2: I told you, there's noth...

The second guard is hit in the back of the head with a rock and collapses. The first turns around to see a man standing above his body.

DEMON GUARD #1: Hey! What the...?

The guards legs buckle as he is hit from behind and he falls over backwards. A foot collides with his face and he is knocked out cold. The man calls out to his accomplice.

ZAVIER: You good?

KAYLA: Yeah I got him.

ZAVIER: We're clear!

The rest of the team moves out from their hiding spot around the corner.

KAYLA: Alright we're moving in. I'll take point, the rest of you follow only on my signal. Zave I want you to stick to Eleanor like glue.

Zavier nods and the team moves up to the door with their guns at the ready. Kayla pushes the door open gently and peers inside.

KAYLA: It's empty.

She pushes the door open the rest of the way and moves into the tower. The other soldiers follow her in, with Zavier and Eleanor bringing up the rear. The inside of the tower is completely hollow, aside from a set of spiralling stairs that hug the walls and lead up to a level far above them.

KAYLA: I guess we go up?

ELEANOR: It's right above us. We're almost there.

KAYLA: Alright, same deal. I'm in front. Keep your eyes and ears open.

They begin to climb the stairs. Their footsteps echo throughout the massive chamber but they appear to remain unheard.

ELEANOR: (Whispers) This is creepy. Shouldn't there be more guards?

ZAVIER: Maybe they all left already.

ELEANOR: Why would they leave the sceptre unguarded?

Zavier shrugs. They continue upwards for a while before a sound below them causes them all to stop dead in their tracks. The door bursts open and a demon runs in. He looks up and spots the intruders immediately.

DEMON: Here! The intruders are inside!

KAYLA: Damn!

More demons pour into the tower and begin the climb the stairs. Some of the winged demons take off and fly straight at them.

KAYLA: Take them out! Get the flyers first!

Kayla pushes her way to the edge of the staircase and starts firing at the ascending demons.

KAYLA: Elle stay behind me. Watch yourselves, there's more coming in from the other side!

Everyone with a gun is now firing down the tower. Several flyers are consumed in the rain of bullets and crash back to the ground.

ZAVIER: Kay! The stairs!

The demons climbing the stairs are close enough to throw fireballs their way, forcing them to duck below the railing for cover. Eleanor leaps in front of one and redirects it at a flyer that had almost reached their level, before being struck in the chest and crashing into the wall.

KAYLA: Zave, we don't have much time left. Take Elle and get the sceptre!

ZAVIER: No way! We're all in this together!

KAYLA: Just do it! Ahhh!

A fireball hits Kayla in the back and she topples over. Zavier rushes to her side.

ZAVIER: There's no way I'm leaving you!

He helps her to sit up and she clutches her arm in pain.

KAYLA: Ugh... but we have to... get that sceptre...

Eleanor crouches beside her and rests a hand on her shoulder.

ELEANOR: Zavier's gonna look after you. I'll go ahead on my own.

KAYLA: But...

ELEANOR: That's an order soldier!

Kayla manages a small smile.

KAYLA: Just don't go getting yourself killed...

Eleanor stands up and puts on a confident face.

ELEANOR: Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it.

Kayla nods weakly and Eleanor looks at Zavier. He opens his mouth to speak but the words don't come and he just nods as well. Eleanor turns and runs off up the stairs.

KAYLA: Help me up, I can still fight.

ZAVIER: No, you stay right there. I'll keep them off us.

KAYLA: Ha! I'm the best shot out of the two of us and you know it. So you pick me up right now if you want to get us out of this mess.

ZAVIER: Are you sure?

KAYLA: Damn straight I'm sure.

Zavier grabs her hand and pulls her to her feet. He puts an arm around her to support her and she limps back toward the railing. The soldiers are still raining down fire at the climbing demons as fireballs collide with the walls all around them. Kayla throws her empty pistol aside and pulls a new one out of a holster.

KAYLA: Time to show these bastards how to aim.

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