Act III - Scene 49: The Battle of Mayagarde City

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SC49 - The Battle of Mayagarde City


As Eleanor enters the seemingly abandoned upper plaza the first shot from the demon fleet hits the city wall, causing an explosion that reverberates through the entire city. Eleanor topples over mid-run and just manages to catch herself on a bench.

GREGORY: Evenin' Miss Mayne! You scared the life outta me!

The soldier Gregory is sitting behind the row of benches, which have all been upturned. He was evidently in the middle of checking his weapon when Eleanor appeared. Eleanor ducks down behind the cover and sits next to him.

ELEANOR: Where is everyone?

GREGORY: You didn't see 'em? Guess that means we did a pretty good job. Everyone's hiding out of sight so as the enemy can't get a good read on where we're deployed see?

ELEANOR: What about Zavier and Kayla? Have you seen them?

GREGORY: Can't say I have ma'am. Haven't seen 'em since I last spoke to you.

ELEANOR: There were supposed to be here helping to guard this gun...

GREGORY: Well they'll likely be off helping somewhere else important. I wouldn't worry, they can handle themselves.

Another loud explosion can be heard hitting the front wall of the city. Eleanor makes to stand up again but Gregory grabs her arm and pulls her back down.

GREGORY: Can't leave now, we don't wanna give away our position.

ELEANOR: So what do we do?

GREGORY: Wait until they get closer.

ELEANOR: Wait for what? For them to blow up the wall?

GREGORY: They ain't gettin' in through the wall, it's impenetrable. It's held off more attacks than I can count on my fingers and toes together.

ELEANOR: So they'll just fire down on us from above!

GREGORY: And that is right where we want 'em to be. In range of our guns, see?

ELEANOR: How are we gonna stop them from blowing them up?

GREGORY: See those cables running through the plaza? They're powering the shield generators we have set up all around the city. Once they're in firing range, we power 'em up, then the airship fleet flanks in from the north and keeps their ships tied up. Our job is to give 'em as much fire support as we can from down here and protect the guns from any invaders on foot.

ELEANOR: That's pretty clever.

GREGORY: General's a smart man. He knows how to defend his city.

ELEANOR: Have you seen him?

GREGORY: Not since this mornin'. Why?

ELEANOR: It doesn't matter. How long do you reckon we have until... the fighting starts?

GREGORY: Oh not long now. But don't you worry Miss Mayne, you'll be safe with me.

ELEANOR: Thanks. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do to help.

Gregory reaches into a bag and pulls out a pistol, which he offers to Eleanor.

GREGORY: Know how to use one of these?

ELEANOR: Pull the trigger right? But I've never actually... killed anyone.

Gregory gives her a concerned look.

GREGORY: Maybe you'd be better off in the senate buildin'. Once things kick off here I can take you there. It'd be safer.

ELEANOR: No, I want to help.

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