Act II - Scene 34: Fates Day

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SC34 - Fates Day


ZAVIER: This is really bad.

Zavier, Kayla and Eleanor, along with Fredricks and Dr. Voss are facing the main road into Ethos, where an extravagant parade is underway. Eleanor taps her feet to the festive music.

ELEANOR: Oh it's Fates Day! I always wanted to come to the city to see the parade.

ZAVIER: And any other day that'd be great Elle, except our plan was to sneak into the cathedral UNNOTICED.

ELEANOR: True but it's kinda hard to be bummed out with all this atmosphere...

FREDRICKS: So we'll just have to change the plan. Anyone got any ideas?

Eleanor and Kayla look at Zavier. He shakes his head.

ZAVIER: Hey what am I, a criminal mastermind? At what point did I become the plan guy?

KAYLA: Well you didn't become the plan guy, you were always the plan guy.

Zavier rolls his eyes.

ZAVIER: Ok Commander, pass me the map.

Fredricks digs the map out of his pack and hands it over. Dr. Voss glances nervously at Eleanor, who continues to ignore him. Zavier gestures for everyone to gather round.

ZAVIER: Ok, this parade is world famous. Everyone knows how it goes. Down the main street here, then it loops around the cathedral until the parade forms a full circle. They do five laps and then each section splits off down different side roads while the High Priest addresses the people in the main square. So what we're gonna do is sneak into the parade and follow it until we reach the cathedral. Then we break away and enter via the back door, locate the sceptre and escape the same way as we came in, rejoining the parade in time to head down this side street here. Any questions?

FREDRICKS: How do we get through the back door? The cathedral will be guarded heavily during the parade...

ZAVIER: At this point we'll need to split into two teams. Team A will be the diversion, while Team B will slip on inside.

VOSS: You can't seriously think this'll work. For a start, we'll stand out a mile away in that parade and then even more so when we're carting around Haven's bloody sceptre!

ZAVIER: Who asked you Voss? Anyway, leave that to me. I think we'll fit in just fine.

Voss is about to protest but Fredricks gives him a nasty look and he backs off.

FREDRICKS: We don't have long before the parade starts, so let's make this happen.

ZAVIER: Alright. Everyone meet me down that alley in twenty minutes. I have some disguises to acquire...

Zavier runs off. Kayla raises her eyebrow at Eleanor.

KAYLA: Y'know sometimes I think he'd make a good criminal mastermind.

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