Act I - Scene 10: Dreamer

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SC10 - Dreamer


A bright light engulfs Eleanor and washes away the room around her. The sound of waves crashing fill her ears and she sees a woman standing in front of her. Eleanor's vision is blurry so she has to squint to see her clearly. The woman walks away and a man hurries towards her. Suddenly they are standing on a hillside, lined with soldiers. The man speaks in a desperate tone.

MAN: My lady, the Emperor is about to begin the assault.

WOMAN: Damn! I warn him it is a trap and still he walks blindly into it. Come, Calscarn. If we cross the battlefield unseen, perhaps there is a chance to sabotage the enemies firing line before the slaughter begins.

Calscarn follows the woman down the hill and onto the battlefield - a marshland littered with the wreckage of war machines from both sides. Using the debris as cover, the two are able to sneak up to the enemies outpost and around their flank. As they approach the firing line, two demon soldiers patrol out from behind a bunker. The woman and Calscarn draw their bows and fire off their arrows in unison, felling the demons before they can raise the alarm. They then duck out of sight behind a wall.

WOMAN: (Whispers) Light your arrows and aim for the ammunition stocks. I will cover you. We cannot afford to fail here, Calscarn.

Calscarn nods, loading an arrow and pulling back his bowstring, he aims over the wall. He takes a deep breath to steady himself and then lets the arrow fly. It soars over the enemies defenses and hits the ammunition dead on, causing the stockpile to explode. The fire spreads quickly, causing a chain reaction which devestates much of the encampment. They hear yells and demon soldiers pour out of the outpost towards the firers postion. The woman spots a robed figure amongst the flames, staring at her with a look of malice and she is drawn to his gaze for a moment. Then Calscarn yells out and she snaps out of it, firing three arrows in quick succession which fell the first three soldiers and temporarily slows down the demons charge.

WOMAN: Back! To the barricade!

They run back across the battlefield, dodging fireballs flung by mages as they go. Calscarn trips and the woman dashes to help him up, but a demon tackles her to the ground. Just as the demon raises his sword to finish her off, an arrow strikes it in the head. The woman turns to see the Emperor's army charging into battle, slaughtering the demons who had given chase. She searches for Calscarn amongst the growing piles of bodies and sees that he is downed but alive, before blacking out. And with that, Eleanor is once again in an empty, blurry room but the woman is looking at her this time.

ELEANOR: Who are you?

WOMAN: Memory... and shadow.

The woman smiles and fades away.

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