Act II - Scene 36: Family First

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SC36 - Family First


The doors to the council room burst open and the whole room turns in surprise. General Greye strides in and singles out Balfor in the crowd of officers. He makes his way towards him.

GREYE: I need to talk to you.

Balfor attempts to act cool while the whole room stares in silence at them.

BALFOR: Go ahead General.

GREYE: Alone.

BALFOR: I'm a little busy right now. I'm sure you of all people can understand our situation.

Greye raises his voice in anger.

GREYE: You want me to make that an order brother?

Balfor is taken aback and every pair of eyes in the room swivel to look at him.

BALFOR: Very well. Let's talk in my office.

Balfor assures the officers that he'll be back then leads Greye down several long corridoors and eventually into his office. Balfor takes a seat at his desk and pulls a bottle of some alcoholic beverage out of a drawer. He pours it into a glass and then looks up at Greye.

BALFOR: Take a seat. Would you like a drink?

GREYE: No thank you.

Greye sits. Balfor puts the bottle back in the drawer and takes a long drink from his glass.

BALFOR: So... what do you have to say?

GREYE: Where is Kayla? And don't lie to me.

BALFOR: I have no idea. Last time I saw her was in Axius but she's long gone now.

GREYE: So why didn't you tell me she was gone?

BALFOR: You were under so much stress from recent events. I didn't want to worry you.

GREYE: I appreciate the concern brother, but that is not your decision to make. I am her father.

Balfor bows his head in shame.

BALFOR: I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

GREYE: Now... who is this Eleanor?

Balfor stops mid-drink. He slowly lowers his glass and places it carefully on the table before speaking.

BALFOR: She's a terrorist. Part of a southern resistance group.

GREYE: Why did Kayla help her escape?

BALFOR: From what I can gather, the girl spun some tale that she's innocent. The mercenary that's with her must have helped convince Kayla of this too. I believe they are old friends...

GREYE: So where does Zavier come into all this?

BALFOR: I don't have any more answers for you brother. I know so little already and besides the Emperor has taken me off the case. Speaking of whom, I must get back to the search.

Balfor stands and goes to pass Greye, making for the door. Greye catches him by the arm before he makes it.

GREYE: You wouldn't lie to me, would you Raije?

BALFOR: Come now, you know how important family is to me...

Greye lets go of his arm and Balfor leaves his office. Greye remains in his seat for a while before standing up and walking over to Balfor's desk. He flicks through some of the paperwork lying around then opens up the drawers one by one. When he opens the bottom one he pauses and stares at the contents, then he reaches in and pulls out a small, purple stone, examining it closely for a moment then slipping it into his pocket before shutting the drawer and leaving the room.

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