Act II - Scene 41: Betrayal

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SC41 - Betrayal


Eleanor walks onto the bridge with her hands still on her head, Fredricks following closely with his gun pointed at her back and the sceptre in his other hand. They walk down the stairs toward the main console, in front of which Vilicia Adams is standing, staring at the screen. Fredricks gives Eleanor a nudge with the tip of his gun.

FREDRICKS: On your knees.

Eleanor reluctantly kneels down, now looking up at Adams. At the same moment, Zavier and Kayla are walked into the room by a group of soldiers, their guns raised. Several of them are missing helmets and look shaken, one of whom even has a black eye. One of the soldiers steps forward.

SOLDIER: They put up a fight but we got 'em in the end Captain.

The soldiers proceed to push the others to their knees too. Zavier has a bruise on his forehead and a large cut on his cheek and Kayla is clutching her upper arm in pain. Zavier, who is closest, looks at Eleanor with worry.

ZAVIER: Are you alright?

ELEANOR: I'm fine. They did this to you?

ZAVIER: Caught Kayla while she was sleeping. I heard the yells and went running. I reckon I took out about three of them before one of them got me in the head.

He glances up in the direction of the bruise on his forehead. The soldier behind him hits him in the back of the head with his gun.

SOLDIER: Shut it you!

FREDRICKS: Stand down! I don't want this to get any messier than it already is...

He turns to Adams, who is still looking down at the screen in front of her.

FREDRICKS: What are our orders Captain?

Adams looks away from the console as though slowly waking up and looks at Fredricks, only just realizing he was there. When she speaks it is in a distracted and depressed tone.

DR. ADAMS: Oh... Commander. You've brought them to me I see. Good, that's very... good.

FREDRICKS: Our orders, ma'am?

DR. ADAMS: We'll be landing shortly. You are to take them down to the hangar and then outside. You'll recieve further orders from... from them.

FREDRICKS: And this?

Fredricks holds up the sceptre. Adams bows her head, avoiding eye contact with anyone and turns back to the console.

DR. ADAMS: I expect they'll want you to hand that over when we're on the ground. That will be all Commander.

Fredricks makes to grip Eleanor's arm and pull her to her feet but Zavier yells out, distracting him.

ZAVIER: Hey, I want an explaination 'Captain'! What makes you think you can have your soldiers beat the hell out of people while they're asleep?

SOLDIER: I said shut your mouth!

Fredricks grabs the soldiers arm as he swings his gun at Zavier's head again. The soldier looks at him in surprise.

FREDRICKS: And I said stand down!

DR. ADAMS: Everyone, stop!

Adams slams her hands down on the console and spins round with a look of mixed fury and sadness. Everyone stops dead in their tracks and stares at her.

DR. ADAMS: The situation is out of hand as is. Eleanor, Zavier, Kayla, I am sorry for your mistreatment tonight. It was not my wish that this be the way of things but I'm afraid I had no choice. None of us had any choice.

ELEANOR: What do you mean? What's this about?

DR. ADAMS: This expedition... our deal... this was all part of a greater plan. You didn't think any of the last few days events strangely fortunate for yourselves? I hijacked the Philosopher because I was ordered to. I had you collect the sceptre from Ethos because I was ordered to. And now I am going to deliver you as ordered.

ZAVIER: You played us! What the hell do you get out of this?

DR. ADAMS: We get to live! This ship is rigged with enough explosives to level an entire city. If we take one step out of line, the Philosopher and everyone onboard will be blown out of the sky!

ZAVIER: Nice try but we're not falling for the old pity stories again.

DR. ADAMS: You want proof? Fine. Fredricks, fetch our... other guest.

Fredricks goes to leave but is again cut short in his action when a voice echoes softly from the shadows.

VOICE: No need. I wouldn't miss this for the world.

Out of the shadows to Eleanor's right, a figure walks slowly towards them. It is Delia, and she is holding a small box-like device.

DELIA: Here is your proof child.

Delia holds the device out in front of Zavier. It is clearly a detonator. Delia places a skeletal thumb over the button.

DELIA: And believe you me, I have sorely wanted to push this button for such a long time.

ZAVIER: You...

Zavier makes to grab the detonator but Delia retracts her hand with lightning dexterity. She grins maniacly.

DELIA: Stupid child, you're just making me want to push it even more! Go on then, give me an excuse.

Zavier thinks for a moment then backs down, placing his hands back on his head.

DELIA: Oh so dissapointing...

She jerks her head around to look at Fredricks.

FREDRICKS: Give me the sceptre.

Fredricks casts an apologetic glance at Eleanor befor handing it over. Delia twirls it in her fingers and motions her head slightly at Adams while still maintaining her gaze at the sceptre.

DELIA: How long before we land?

DR. ADAMS: Five minutes.

DELIA: Well we'd better get moving then. Commander, if you will.

Fredricks grasps Eleanor's arm as he intended to do before and lifts her to her feet. The other soldiers do the same for Zavier and Kayla. Kayla winces in pain as she is lifted, and does not put her hands on her head, instead continuing to grasp her arm where it hurts. They are then led out of the room in single file with Delia at the rear, the manaical grin still on her face.

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