Act II - Scene 31: Location Location

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SC31 - Location Location


Eleanor, Zavier and Kayla walk onto the bridge. A guard steps up to Zavier as soon as they enter.

GUARD: Sir, I'm going to have to ask that you and Ms. Greye leave. Dr. Adams has only requested that she speaks to Eleanor.

ZAVIER: You're kidding right?

Zavier turns and shrugs at Kayla.

ZAVIER: He's kidding right?

KAYLA: You're damn right he's kidding.

Kayla pushes the guard aside and walks past. Zavier follows. The guard raises his voice.

GUARD: Hey, you can't...

Eleanor rolls her eyes at him before following the others.

ELEANOR: Just guard the door.

The guard grumbles to himself and turns back to the doorway. Eleanor approaches Dr. Adams, who is staring at a console, apparantly unaware of their prescence.

ELEANOR: Um... Doctor?

DR. ADAMS: Just a moment. I have to finish this sequence.

The doctor taps away at the keyboard for a few more moments before standing up and clapping her hands together in satisfaction.

DR. ADAMS: Excellent. Most excellent! Now... what did you want?

ELEANOR: You called me here?

DR. ADAMS: I did? Oh yes of course! We're on our way to the sceptre now.

ELEANOR: Great! Where is it?

DR. ADAMS: Before I give you any more information, I think it's time you held up your end of the bargain.

Dr. Adams walks over to a drawer and pulls out a needle.

ELEANOR: Right... I guess it's only fair. Just promise you'll share your findings with me.

DR. ADAMS: Of course.

Eleanor rolls up her sleeve and holds out her arm. Dr. Adams carefully inserts the needle and draws a small amount of blood. Once she is done, the doctor swaps the blood into a vial and pockets it in her lab coat.

DR. ADAMS: Thank you Eleanor. This small sample alone could do wonders for the advancement of science.

ELEANOR: Great. Now where's the sceptre?

DR. ADAMS: It's at the Grand Cathedral in Ethos City, under the protection of Lyndsar Solis.


KAYLA: Well that's just fantastic. We might as well give up right now!

DR. ADAMS: Don't worry. It's still perfectly possible to obtain the sceptre, however it will require a certain amount of stealth and strategy. To that extent, I jave provided some assistance until the item is in our possesion. In fact, they should be here any moment...

The bridge door opens and two people walk in. Commander Fredricks is at the front, followed Dr. Voss. Eleanor spots him and turns to Dr. Adams angrily while Kayla and Zavier draw their guns.

ELEANOR: What the heck is he doing here?

Dr. Adams waves for them to put down their weapons.

DR. ADAMS: There will be no weapons on my bridge! I assure you Dr. Voss is no threat to anyone. He is an idiot I'll grant you, but he's the best field scientist we have and I want him there to make sure the sceptre is... safe.

ELEANOR: What do you mean, safe?

DR. ADAMS: As in the object is an artifact from the portal war. Who knows what it's been through. There could be any kind of curse or magical imprint on it and believe you me, demonic magic is not to be trifled with.

ELEANOR: Well it looks like I don't have a choice. Still, I'm not happy with this.

VOSS: I'm really very sorry. I never wanted to hurt anyone.

ELEANOR: And I'm sorry but I'm not going to forgive you that easily. On the other hand, Commander I'm happy to see you're aboard.

FREDRICKS: Glad to help. I take full responsibility for what happened down at the lab, so I'm here to make it up to you.

ELEANOR: Thanks.

Zavier turns to Dr. Adams.

ZAVIER: How long before we get there?

DR. ADAMS: A few hours yet. May I recommend planning your strategy in the armory?

FREDRICKS: Alright people, you heard the captain. Let's move.

They all head for the door. Voss tries to catch Eleanors attention but she ignores him. He gives up and shuffles along behind them.

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