Act III - Scene 60: The End of the World

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SC60 - The End of the World


The huge crash of the ceiling cracking open echoes through the stairway below. Both humans and demons look up to see the rubble falling from above, and the body amongst it. They continue to tumble towards the ground for what seems like forever, before finally crashing to the floor.

ZAVIER: Who was that?

A demon at the bottom of the room kneels before the body and yells out.

DEMON: Lord Demencia has fallen!

There is a pause, then every demon in the room scrambles to get back down the stairs to the exit, pushing past one another in an effort to escape first. The humans above watch in disbelief as the demons flee and before long the chamber is empty, the only sound remaining is the echoing crashes from the floor above. Several of the soldiers collapse in relief and Kayla sinks to the floor, holding her arm tight.

KAYLA: What the hell was that?

ZAVIER: I don't know. Did they say Demencia was dead?

KAYLA: Eleanor...


Eleanor is running as fast as she can down the stairs towards them and waving her arms. The sceptre is clutched tight in one of her hands.

ZAVIER: Elle! Thank Haven you're alright.

KAYLA: She actually did it.

Eleanor reaches them and leans against the railing to catch her breath.

ZAVIER: Are you alright? What happened to your leg?

KAYLA: Did you run into Demencia?

ELEANOR: Yeah but we have to leave now. The tower is coming down!

ZAVIER: Coming down?! What did you do?

ELEANOR: It doesn't matter! We have to go!

Eleanor extends her hand to Kayla and helps her to her feet, then lets Zavier support her and goes to help the rest of the wounded to their feet. The tower begins to shake furiously and the walls begin to crumble.

KAYLA: Alright everyone move! Double time, go go go!

The team makes their way back down the stairs. The rest of the ceiling begins to come down and the stairs above are smashed by the debris. They reach the bottom and run along the wall to the exit, narrowly avoiding several falling slabs of stone. As they make their way out of the tower to safety, the structure finally gives way and topples over, crashing into a nearby hill. Zavier sits Kayla down and the rest of the soldiers follow suit.

ZAVIER: That was too close.

ELEANOR: We have to keep moving.

ZAVIER: Let everyone rest a moment Elle, and while we're here someone should look at your leg...

ELEANOR: You don't understand. We can't stop. Demencia was the only one holding the vortex back. If we don't get to the portal by the next window, we won't be able to escape in time.

Zavier looks up at the vortex, which is swirling much faster than before.

KAYLA: Get me up Zave, I can make it.

ZAVIER: It's a long way... we'll need to move fast.

KAYLA: I can handle it Zave. And it's not like we have a choice.

ZAVIER: Come on then. Elle, can you lead?

Eleanor nods and turns to the team as Zavier helps Kayla up again.

ELEANOR: Alright, we've gotta go or we're not gonna make it out! Let's move!

The team clambers to their feet and begins to move. The ground beneath them is shaking now, as the pull of the vortex starts to take hold. Eleanor climbs to the top of a small rise and spots movement in the distance. The demon ships are still grounded and loading the rest of the demon citizenry. There are more flooding across the valley frantically attempting to join them, and their yells carry all the way across the valley.

ELEANOR: They're not gonna make it...

ZAVIER: Keep moving Elle!

Eleanor doesn't hear him and stares at the demons in the distance for a moment longer, then looks at the vortex and to the sceptre in her hand.

ZAVIER: Elle! Are you listening?

ELEANOR: Oh... yeah I'm moving.

They press on up the side of the valley. When they reach the ship, Zavier helps Kayla inside and into the pilots seat.

ZAVIER: You gonna be alright to fly?

KAYLA: Course I am. Just keep your eyes out for me.

Zavier nods and holds on tight as Kayla straps herself in. Zavier calls back over his shoulder.

ZAVIER: Elle, is everyone onboard?

Eleanor's voice rings out from down the corridoor behind them.

ELEANOR: Yeah! We're good to go!

KAYLA: Alright, we're out of here! Strap yourselves in.

Kayla presses a button to close the corridoor door and kicks the ship into gear. The ship rises quickly up into the air and accelerates away. They weave through the floating rocks and towards the stone circle suspended ahead.

KAYLA: I think we can make it.

ZAVIER: Thought we weren't gonna for a while there. I still can't believe we made it out of that tower.

KAYLA: I didn't even think we'd make it here at all.

ZAVIER: You've got to have a little faith in your ideas.

KAYLA: You can tell me that after we're back safely.

ZAVIER: Oh I will. Hey I'm gonna check Eleanor's stone for the portal's timing, I'll be right back.

Kayla nods and Zavier slides open the door again and makes his way down the corridoor into the passenger compartment.

ZAVIER: Hey Elle, what's the stone saying? Elle?

But only the soldiers are seated in the compartment and Eleanor is nowhere is sight. Zavier looks at one of the soldiers in bewilderment.

ZAVIER: Where is she?

SOLDIER: She went into the corridoor, I thought she was going up front.

ZAVIER: That's weird, I didn't go past her...

Zavier opens the door into the corridoor again but nobody is there. He notices a draft making his sleeve flutter and looks in the direction it's coming from. The emergency exit door is slightly ajar.

ZAVIER: Oh no. No no no.

He pulls back the cockpit door and rushes in.

ZAVIER: Elle's not on the ship!

KAYLA: What do you mean she's not on the ship? I heard her before...

ZAVIER: She must have gotten off just before we left. The emergency exit's open.

KAYLA: Dammit! What the hell is she thinking? See if you can get her on her comm, I'll turn the ship around.

Zavier raises his comm.

ZAVIER: Elle, come in! Do you read me? Elle, are you there?

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