Act I - Scene 25: Salvation (Act Finale)

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SC25 - Salvation


Emperor Crimson watches the setting sun. The harbour is silent apart from the sound of the waves but the serene moment is broken by approaching footsteps. Marneus approaches the Emperor but he does not break his gaze.

MARNEUS: Everything is ready, Master. Only your command is required to proceed.

CRIMSON: And Delia? There is no room for failure this time, Marneus. Is she ready?

MARNEUS: (Pauses) I believe she'll carry out her orders.

CRIMSON: Have you located the key?

MARNEUS: Ethos, sir. Just as you suspected.

Crimson takes a deep breath of the ocean air as the sun vanishes below the horizon.

CRIMSON: Excellent. Solis will not give it up easily... You may begin, Marneus.

Marneus bows and leaves. Crimson finally looks away from the ocean. He pulls something out of his pocket and holds it out in front of him, revealing another purple shard of rock similar to Eleanor's.

CRIMSON: So soon the delicate balance of things shall fail and our world will be saved from oblivion. Demonkind has returned... and Eleanor, you shall be the instrument of our salvation.

For a brief moment, Crimson's face flickers and changes to that of another - the blindfolded man from Eleanor's vision. The stone glows and he disappears into the shadows.

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