Act III - Scene 54: The Best Defense

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SC54 - The Best Defense


Greye is pacing back and forth with both anger and exhaustion upon his face. A screen is set up in the middle of the council chamber, showing a news report from the aftermath of the battle. Pictures on screen show the destruction throughout the city.

REPORTER: ... Early reports say that civilian casualties are minimum. It is not yet clear how many soldiers have died following the events of last night but the number is expected to be in the thousands. Furthermore we are getting reports of large numbers of enemy warships massing over Zalavast, leading many to believe that this was just the beginning. What is our government doing to prevent this? So far we have heard nothing from them.

Greye turns to address the rest of the room. Emperor Crimson is sitting in his usual seat, close to the screen. A group senators and civilians including Vilicia Adams, Voss, Roland and Zavier and Kayla are in the front row, and some military officers are even sitting on the floor.

GREYE: We've done nothing but buy ourselves time. Scouts have confirmed that the demons now boast even greater numbers than before. It's only a matter of time before they strike again and overwhelm us.

On the table beside the screen, Greye's stone glows white again. Almost no one lifts an eye and Greye continues to pace. Eleanor, who is sitting in a corner with a blanket around her shoulders, is the only one with her eyes fixed on the stone. The TV continues it's report while the room watches in silence.

REPORTER: ... Meanwhile recently appointed Grand Admiral Raije Balfor has been arrested for aiding the enemy in their attack. Again the government has declined to comment further on the situation. Ex-senator Waldo Bawlen has issued a statement in which he slams General Valar Greye for his poor handling of...

GREYE: Notice how they keep referring to the demons as 'the enemy'? They still don't believe it. After what we just went through, they still think we're crazy for insinuating the demons are back.

Greye kicks the table leg in frustration. Still glowing, the stone rolls off and onto the floor where it continues to roll towards Eleanor's corner. She picks it up and stares at it.

CRIMSON: They're just scared Valar. We all are. But we must push past that and find a way to prevent further attacks on the city.

GREYE: I'm open to suggestions!

Crimson raises an eyebrow. Greye sighs.

GREYE: Sorry sir.

CRIMSON: It's alright. Tensions are running high. Perhaps you should get some rest, someone else can handle our plans in the mean time...

GREYE: You'll forgive me sir, but I don't exactly trust anyone else with this position in light of recent events.

Crimson bows his head.

CRIMSON: No I suppose you're right.

Greye continues to pace with his face in his hands.

GREYE: So what can we do?

ELEANOR: Umm... General. Sir?

Every pair of eyes in the room whip round to face her. She takes a moment to compose herself before continuing.

ELEANOR: This stone... where did you get it?

GREYE: It was in the Admiral's office.

ELEANOR: Well I have one just like it that's been glowing in exactly the same way.

Eleanor pulls her stone out from her pocket and holds them both up. True to her word, they are both emitting the same glow.

GREYE: Where did you get that?

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