Act I - Scene 8: Two by Air

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SC08 - Two by Air


Eleanor and Zavier walk into Whitecrest. They make their way down a road that is heavily occupied by the military. They notice there are many temporary metal outposts set up among the old fashioned houses of Whitecrest.

ZAVIER: You been here before?

ELEANOR: Yeah, a few times. Not since... all this.

ZAVIER: Thought we'd be rid of the war by now. It's much worse in the city by any rate. Patrols round every corner.

They arrive at the skyport and Eleanor stops to take in the sight of a massive transport ship landing right in front of them.

ZAVIER: You ever flown on one of these things?

ELEANOR: No. I haven't even seen one up close until now. They're a lot bigger than I thought.

Zavier steps up to the guard manning the ticket booth and hands him the same letter that he showed Eleanor back at the chapel. The guard nods, giving the letter back and motions to the nearest entrance. Eleanor follows Zavier inside the skyport. The building is bustling with passengers getting on and off the freshly arrived transport. Zavier heads to board the ship via the main ramp but stops when he realizes Eleanor isn't following.

ZAVIER: (Loudly, over the crowd) What's the matter?

ELEANOR: (Loud) This thing is safe, right?

ZAVIER: Of course!

ELEANOR: (Hesitates) Are you sure?

ZAVIER: Yes I'm sure! C'mon, we need to hurry if we want a compartment. (He turns and heads inside)

ELEANOR: Uhhh...

She tests the ramp gently with her foot before following Zavier onboard. Zavier smirks at her as she catches up.

ZAVIER: Hey you made it!

Eleanor rolls her eyes.

ELEANOR: Oh, shut up.

Zavier finds a free compartment and he holds the door open for Eleanor. They enter and take their seats next to the window. Zavier notices that Eleanor looks uncomfortable.

ZAVIER: You ok there?

ELEANOR: Just a little nervous is all. I mean, I don't get how these things stay ... you know, up.

ZAVIER: I don't rightly know myself. Well they were designed by people a lot smarter than me, that's a fact. But transport ships like this are pretty safe. I fly on them all the time. You really have nothing to worry about.

ELEANOR: Hmm... ok. (She stands up suddenly) I'm gonna go have a look around the ship.

ZAVIER: I'll come with you.

Zavier goes to stand up but Eleanor waves at him to stay.

ELEANOR: No, you stay here. We don't want anyone to take our compartment.

ZAVIER: Are you sure?

ELEANOR: (Frowns) I can handle myself you know.

ZAVIER: Oh no, I didn't mean... alright, I'll stay here then. We'll be taking off soon so just take care, it might get a little bumpy.

ELEANOR: I'll be fine. Won't be long.

She smiles and leaves the compartment, closing the door behind her. The corridoor is starting to quieten down as passengers take their seats. As Eleanor climbs the stairs to the upper deck, the ship starts to shake. The engines begin to roar as they power up and the ship slowly lifts up and out of the dock. Eleanor steadies herself against the wall before regaining her balance and continuing her climb. The upper deck is full of travellers but she manages to find an empty spot by a railing, where she watches as the ground moves away from them and the ship glides into the clouds. Grinning widely, she dashes to another railing where she can see St. Nero disappearing into the horizon.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Eleanor...

A bright light emenates from the horizon and the deafening sound of crashing waves echos over Eleanor. She stumbles backwards, shutting her eyes tight and covering her ears. As she is about to fall over, she feels a hand take her by the arm, guiding her back into the corridoor. The bright light and echoing sounds fade and Eleanor opens her eyes to find herself face to face with Zavier.

ZAVIER: Take it easy... you were about to collapse. How do you feel?

ELEANOR: I... what happened?

ZAVIER: You must have gotten dizzy from the takeoff. C'mon, let's get back to the compartment.

Zavier puts an arm around her for support and walks her back to the compartment. Once inside, he sits her down and hands her a bottle of water. She takes a drink and Zavier takes his seat.

ZAVIER: Feeling better?

ELEANOR: Yeah. Thanks... I dunno what happened there.

ZAVIER: It's normal for people to feel a bit dizzy their first time flying. You should just rest up here for now.

Eleanor nods and takes another sip of water. She gazes out of the window and then frowns, turning back to Zavier.

ELEANOR: So what were you doing up on the deck? I thought you were gonna stay here.

ZAVIER: Oh right, ahhh you know... I needed a little fresh air is all. These compartments sure can get stuffy.

ELEANOR: (Pauses) And that's the truth?

ZAVIER: Of course.

Zavier gazes out of the window, avoiding eye contact. Eleanor stares at him for a moment, still unconvinced but she gives up trying to question him.

ELEANOR: Well... thanks I guess. Just promise not to leave me out of the loop, ok?

Zavier turns back to Eleanor and stares at her for a moment. She looks at him expectantly and he smiles.

ZAVIER: Alright, I promise. Oh that reminds me, when we arrive we need to make a slight detour before we head to the Senate building.


ZAVIER: I have to visit the bossman.

ELEANOR: Bossman?

ZAVIER: (Grins) Oh you'll see.

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