Act I - Scene 7: Political Pressure

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SC07 - Political Pressure


General Greye is marching down a corridor, escorted by two guards. They reach a doorway and Greye dismisses his escort then enters the room. Inside, there is a large table which the senators of are seated around. At the far end is Emperor Crimson, while Grand Admiral Balfor stands behind his own chair to the Emperor's right. Balfor is talking to the mayor of Mayagarde, Lord Malis, who is seated beside him. Balfor spots Greye entering and he gives him a dark smile.

BALFOR: General! Now that you're here we can begin.

He motions to the chair opposite his own, which is reserved for Greye. Greye nods and takes his seat, then Balfor follows suit.

BALFOR: As you all know I am taking the place of the former Grand Admiral, Serrus. He was an honorable man who lead this army with strength and valor. I hope that I can continue his legacy and that we can work together through these dark times to ensure a better future for our nation. (He smiles darkly at Greye again) I'm looking forward to working with you all.

MALIS: (Nods) And us with you.

CRIMSON: Let's begin this meeting. Dr. Adams, we'll start with you.

Crimson motions toward Vilicia Adams, who is seated next to Greye. She is reading from a paper on the table in front of her, mumbling. She continues to stare at it for a moment before looking up.

DR. ADAMS: (Clears her throat) Excuse me. The plans you asked us to complete are proving... difficult to manage. Construction of the main turbine is well underway but I'm afraid our current budget will not allow us to complete this project anywhere close to the deadline.

GREYE: If we begin withdrawing our troops from the outlying colonies, we could free up more money for technology development as well as our medical facilities...

BALFOR: If I may, General. Pulling troops out of the colonies would leave them exposed to attack. I recommend they remain until after the surrender is finalized.

GREYE: We are in the middle of peace talks, Admiral. If we pull our forces back, away from their territories, this will only help to ease some of the tension that lingers between our two nations.

BALFOR: (Mockingly) So you would put our people at risk to fund the construction of a glorified laboratory?

GREYE: If the surrender doesn't go smoothly, we risk all out war again! I have served on this council far longer than you, Balfor. I have seen the cost of this conflict escalate and I know that it's better for everyone that it ends now!

CRIMSON: Enough, General! You speak with much wisdom but we cannot allow the colonies to fall into the hands of the enemy again. Dr. Adams, I will ensure your departments budget is increased. The project must meet the deadline.

DR. ADAMS: Thank you, sir. Our efforts will be doubled.

GREYE: Sir, if I might ask... how do you intend to get the money?

CRIMSON: (Sharply) Leave that to me, General. (He glances at a screen embedded in the table in front of him) I don't believe any further matters require your attention here. You are dismissed.

Greye opens his mouth to protest but thinks better of it. He stands and bows before leaving the room. Once in the corridoor, he walks to a window that overlooks the city. He surveys the streets below before turning his gaze to the horizon.

GREYE: (Sighs) I was a fool to think a war would bring us peace.

He puts his hand to the glass then quickly withdraws it, shaking his head.

GREYE: No, I can't give up yet. Not until I've done everything I can...

He nods to reassure himself then turns and strides down the corridoor.

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