Act I - Scene 6: A Lot of Explaining

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SC06 - A Lot of Explaining


Zavier is sitting with his back against a tree, with his hand on his side. Eleanor paces in the middle of the clearing. The road is visible behind her.

ZAVIER: Wait, wait, wait. How does that work? You can just move water at will?

ELEANOR: I don't move the water... I don't know how to explain it. I feel the energy flowing through it and I just tap into that. And well, it's not just water.

ZAVIER: Wait, what else does this work with?

ELEANOR: The way I understand it, it's like an elemental thing. And the source has to have movement. I know it works for fire, and sometimes I can alter the wind. I think it works for electricity too but that's too dangerous...

ZAVIER: Oh hey, give this a try!

He stands, pulling out a lighter and flicking it open. The flame illuminates the shadows cast by the trees. Zavier motions the lighter toward Eleanor.

ZAVIER: Will it work?

ELEANOR: I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, I haven't practised with fire and we are in the middle of a forest...

ZAVIER: C'mon, just a little movement. There's no wind, if you can even make it flicker. (He smiles nervously) I need to know I'm not going crazy here.

ELEANOR: (Sighs) Alright.

Eleanor raises her hand, palm upwards and takes a deep breath. She concentrates on the flame and then gently flicks her wrist. The flame suddenly towers a few feet in air and Zavier leaps backwards in shock. Almost as soon as it had happened, the fire settles back down again.

ELEANOR: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I couldn't control it. Are you ok?

ZAVIER: (Wide eyed) That... was... incredible!

ELEANOR: (Laughs) I could've killed you!

ZAVIER: I'm fine! (Waving his hand) Don't worry about me. So what do you do with this... ability?

ELEANOR: I don't. You can't tell anyone! Father says there's no way of knowing what people might do if they found out.

ZAVIER: But you have a gift. You can't spend your entire life not using it.

ELEANOR: (Pauses) Look to be honest, I don't know much about my ability and I thought this trip might give me some answers. I don't think the stone was a coincidence.

ZAVIER: So you knew something was up. (He pulls out the stone and examines it) Hmmm, you said your ability only works on something that's moving, right? But it's just a stone... I'm not seeing the connection.

ELEANOR: Actually now you mention it, I can feel some sort of energy moving in there but I can't control it.

Zavier looks up at the sky and back to Eleanor.

ZAVIER: We need to keep moving if we want to make the city in good time. We can talk about this with Admiral Balfor when we get to the city. He's the only one that might be able to figure this out.

Eleanor nods. They pick up their gear and head out of the clearing and back to the main road.

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