Act II - Scene 28: Philosopher

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SC28 - Philosopher


Dr. Vilicia Adams strides down a hallway, flanked by two soldiers. They enter onto the upper deck of a large room and she leans over the railing, addressing the soldiers that are running about frantically below.

DR. ADAMS: Commander Fredricks! Report!

A uniformed officer turns and looks up at Dr. Adams, saluting her.

FREDRICKS: A few insurgents locked themselves in the laboratory ma'am. Don't worry, we have the situation under control.

DR. ADAMS: Forget that! What about our mission? Are we ready to land?

FREDRICKS: I highly recommend we deal with the more immediate issue ma'am...

DR. ADAMS: Has nobody informed you?! The target has been sighted! I want them in front of me yesterday Commander!

Fredricks pauses to consider his options. He glances toward the laboratory door, which his men are preparing to break through.

FREDRICKS: ... As you wish. Men, fall back! We're going outside!

Dr. Adams leaves the room. The soldier in charge of breaking down the door turns to his commander in confusion.

SOLDIER: But sir. We...

FREDRICKS: I know man! You think I like being ordered around by a civilian? (sighs) Just do it.

SOLDIER: Yessir!

The team packs up their gear and heads down the hallway, followed closely by Commander Fredricks. They end up in a hangar which is full of one-man fighter airships but the team runs past them and assembles by the hangar doors. Fredricks picks up a wall-mounted comm and looks up at the control booth.

FREDRICKS: Control, prepare to open the hangar doors on my mark.

A voice crackles in reply over the comm.

CONTROL: Roger that Commander. Ready when you are.

The room suddenly shakes as though struck by an earthquake. The soldiers stand their ground and Fredricks hangs the comm back on the wall. The shaking stops and he signals the control booth with his hand. The hangar door slowly rolls open.

FREDRICKS: Weapons at the ready men!

The soldiers raise their weapons. Fredricks stands with his arm at his side, hand resting on his holstered pistol. The door slides open enough to let in the sunlight and then reveals a small boat sitting in the water just outside the hangar. The door finishes opening with a clunk and both parties simply stare silently at each other for a few moments. Then the three onboard the Rainfall raise their hands.

ZAVIER: We surrender!

Fredricks walks out of the hangar and down the ramp to the edge of the water. He looks around as though he was looking for something else.

FREDRICKS: The hell? Is this it?

The three on board the Rainfall exchange confused glances.

ZAVIER: What were you expecting?

FREDRICKS: Some kind of resistance! You mean to tell me you only have three people and a fishing boat?

ZAVIER: ... Yes?

Fredricks stares dumbfounded at them for a moment. Then he snaps out of it and turns to his men.

FREDRICKS: Get them out of that vessel and cast it off. Don't take your eyes off them.

Keeping their guns trained on them, the soldiers escort the three into the hangar. Fredricks signals to the control booth again and the door begins to close. They take the prisoners down a hallway and up an elevator. They emerge into a room that overlooks the rest of the vessel, revealing that they are onboard an enormous, sleek, white airship that is resting on the ocean surface. Dr. Adams looks up from a control panel and strides straight over to Eleanor, extending her hand. Hesistanty, Eleanor takes it.

DR. ADAMS: So you're the source of all this fuss. Adams. Dr. Vilicia Adams.

She lets go of Eleanor's hand and smiles cockily as she registers the perpetually confused looks on their faces.

DR. ADAMS: Welcome aboard the Philosopher!

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