Act III - Scene 47: Playing Catch Up

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SC47 - Playing Catch Up


Eleanor walks across the plaza, surveying the scene as she passes. Soldiers and civilians alike are rushing back and forth carrying ammunition and materials for barricades. The market that once stood here is gone and the rest of the cities occupants are being evacuated down the main road in the distance. The sun is high above, providing good light for preparation but causing a sweltering heat that forms a haze over the ground. Eleanor strides on towards the people standing in the centre of the plaza - Zavier and Kayla, who are in deep discussion.

ELEANOR: What's happening?

ZAVIER: We're trying to figure out where Raije Balfor is.


ZAVIER: Don't you think it's kinda weird he's just vanished?

ELEANOR: Good riddance!

KAYLA: What Zavier's trying to say is, he was working with Delia before. What if he's been planning something with Demencia?

ELEANOR: But it's not like things can get any worse...

KAYLA: If he's feeding them information, we have a big problem. He knows this city, our army and our government back to front.

ELEANOR: But there's no way we're gonna find him now. He'll be long gone.

ZAVIER: Or is he? Every way in and out of the city is being watched. According to the guards, nobody has seen him leave.

ELEANOR: So he's still here somewhere?

ZAVIER: That's what we think. So we're trying to come up with places he might hide.

ELEANOR: I don't suppose he's at his house?

KAYLA: Gee I'm so glad you thought of that... No, we already checked. And we've searched his office too. Nothing that might help.

ZAVIER: You have any ideas?

ELEANOR: Well I don't know... it's not my city is it?

ZAVIER: Good point.

Eleanor spots someone walking their way over Zavier's shoulder. They all turn around to see what she is looking at. Vilicia Adams approaches with Dr. Voss in tow.

DR. ADAMS: It feels like an age since we last spoke... but in reality it was only last night.

KAYLA: And just what do you want? How come you're walking around free?

DR. ADAMS: Come on, you really think I'm a threat when there's a war about to start? Besides Crimson let us off.

KAYLA: Well good for you. Now if you'll excuse me, my arm's almost feeling good enough to hit something and you probably don't want to be around for that.

DR. ADAMS: I actually came here to apologize. If I could fix what I did to you all I would, but I made a choice to protect those that I'm closest to. I have no family, did you know that? No, my company is all I have and I couldn't let that accursed demon tear it all apart. I'm not asking you to forgive me, but forgive those who acted under my orders. Most of them didn't even know about the explosives.

KAYLA: You and your employees have caused us enough trouble for a lifetime Adams.

Kayla glances at the other two, who shrug and give her half-hearted nods.

KAYLA: Alright, you're forgiven. But if you get in our way ever again, I'll take you down personally.

DR. ADAMS: Fair call.

Eleanor turns her attention to the man standing beside Adams, who is trying to make himself look as small as possible so as not to be noticed.

ELEANOR: Dr. Voss...

DR. VOSS: Hi. I didn't think I'd see you again.

ELEANOR: I should have listened to you. You were right about everything.

DR. VOSS: Ah well... I could have been a bit more convincing.

Voss gives her a sheepish grin, which she returns warmly. Zavier addresses Adams himself.

ZAVIER: So what will you do now?

DR. ADAMS: We'll do what we can to assist people on the ground. I don't have combat experience but Voss here, well he's held a gun before. Close enough right?

Dr. Voss rolls his eyes. Eleanor chuckles, then turns to Adams with a sudden thought.

ELEANOR: Dr. Adams? What's happening to Emerald Industries now?

DR. ADAMS: We're going to keep it closed down for now. If we come out of this battle alive, maybe we'll go back to work.

ELEANOR: No I mean... right now?

DR. ADAMS: Well... I haven't been up there since we boarded the Philosopher. We had to leave in a hurry.

ELEANOR: So you didn't lock it up behind you?

DR. ADAMS: The demon just made us get straight on the ship, there was no time for any of that. I'd go back up there myself but Crimson thinks it's best for me to stay within the walls. I hear a squad was dispatched to search the place though.

Eleanor does not answer and instead turns to Zavier and Kayla.

ELEANOR: You don't think...?

KAYLA: It might be possible.

Gregory running past carrying a crate of weapons. She catches his arm.

KAYLA: Gregory, has there been any word from the squad up at Emerald Industries?

GREGORY: Uhhh, not that I know of ma'am. But they were supposed to check in twenty minutes ago with the General.

Kayla spins around to face the others again.

KAYLA: I need to find my dad. If there's a chance Balfor is at Emerald Industries, he'll want to know.

ELEANOR: I saw him in the upper city plaza just a few minutes ago. We'll come with you!

Kayla nods and Zavier and Eleanor follow her up the stairs, breaking into a run and leaving behind a very confused Gregory and Dr. Voss. Dr. Adams is smiling however and swings her arms in the breeze.

DR. ADAMS: You know Voss, I never realized how good the fresh air feels! I must visit the outside more often.

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