Act III - Scene 51: Backup

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SC51 - Backup


The team of soldiers moves across the loading bay with their guns raised, aiming them in the direction of a low wall their quarry had fallen behind. The senior soldier among the group signals for one of the younger ones to check the other nearby walls for remaining threats. A young woman splits off from the group, shaking nervously as she scans the nearby area. As she moves round a wall and out of sight of the group, something cold and metal presses against the back of her head.

KAYLA: (Whispers) It's Meers isn't it? Don't make a sound.

The soldier called Meers lets out a faint squeak of terror but covers her mouth to muffle the sound.

KAYLA: That's right. Now what are you doing here Meers?

MEERS: We were told to protect this facility. The Admiral instructed us himself, he told us that a splinter cell might try and attack it during the battle.

KAYLA: You were fooled. We're no splinter cell. The Admiral's turned on the city.

MEERS: He said you'd say that!

Meers cry is a little too loud this time and Kayla strikes her on the head with her pistol to knock her out. The older soldier yells out from across the bay.

SENIOR SOLDIER: Did you find something?

KAYLA: (Mutters) Dammit.

Kayla attempts her best Meers impression, putting on a squeaky voice.

KAYLA: Nothing sir! We're all clear here.

SENIOR SOLDIER: There's no need to address me as sir, Meers. I'm not your commanding officer.

KAYLA: Sorry sir! I mean... just sorry.

SENIOR SOLDIER: Is everything alright Meers? You don't sound too good.

KAYLA: Everything's fine. I'm just...

Another soldier steps around the wall with his rifle aimed at Kayla. They stare at each other for a moment in surprise.

KAYLA: Ah hell.

SOLDIER: Freeze!

A fist collides with the side of the soldiers head, knocking him off his feet and into the wall where he slumps to the ground. Standing above the unconcious body is Taryn. She turns to look at Meers, then up at Kayla.

KAYLA: Taryn! How did you...?

TARYN: Boss got a tip off that you and Zave were in trouble up here.

KAYLA: Zavier said you didn't want to get involved.

TARYN: Well savin' my bro and his girlfriend are important enough I reckon.

KAYLA: I'm not his... Whatever, thanks. I'm glad you're here.

Taryn smiles and throws her another clip for her pistol. Kayla catches it and loads her gun while the soldiers throughout the loading bay take up new positions behind cover.

SENIOR SOLDIER: Whoever's back there, surrender yourselves!

Taryn draws her own pistol and raises an eyebrow at Kayla.

TARYN: So are we gonna stand around talkin' all day or are we gonna knock some heads?

Kayla nods and takes up a spot at one end of the wall while Taryn takes the other. They unload several shots into the closest soldiers then pull back to avoid the counter fire.

KAYLA: We're still outnumbered.

TARYN: Not for long.

A cloaked figure drops into the far end of the loading bay from on top of the perimiter wall. He pulls down his hood, revealing himself to be Gatling. Taking advantage of the soldiers surprise, he pulls out a grenade launcher from beneath the cloak and fires it into the enemy ranks, sending seveal bodies flying. The remaining soldiers yell and scatter, diving into any cover they can reach. Circling around the edge of the wall to avoid the explosions, Kayla makes her way to the crate that Zavier should be behind. She spots him lying face down as she rounds the corner and runs over to him.

KAYLA: Zavier! Please be alright...

She throws her pistol aside and kneels down beside him, grabbing his arm and rolling him onto his back. As she does so, Zavier's eyelids flicker open.

ZAVIER: Ughhh...

KAYLA: Thank Haven... Are you hurt?

ZAVIER: I'm alright. They just clipped my leg, I musta fallen over and hit my head.

Kayla wipes away a tear and laughs.

KAYLA: You're an idiot, you know that right?

Zavier lifts himself onto his elbows as the sound of gunshots and explosions still echo through the loading bay.

ZAVIER: Yeah yeah... Who's fighting? What did I miss?

KAYLA: Taryn and Gatling arrived in the nick of time. They're dealing with the last of the reinforcements now.

ZAVIER: Taryn's here?

Kayla helps Zavier to his feet and they walk out from behind the crate. The loading bay is silent for the first time since their arrival - Gatling has taken the remaining soldiers as prisoners, and is now standing in front of them wielding his grenade launcher threateningly. Taryn runs over to the others.

TARYN: Zavier! You alright?

ZAVIER: Nothing major. Just a few bruises.

Taryn breathes a sigh of relief, then there is a moments awkward silence as they both recall their last encounter.

TARYN: Look I'm sorry about what I said before...

ZAVIER: No, you were right to say it. I'm sorry for dragging you all into this mess.

TARYN: Well... we're used to cleaning up your mess anyway.

Taryn grins and hugs him. Gatling gives him a quick nod over her shoulder before turning back to his prisoners.

ZAVIER: Hey... where's Eleanor?

KAYLA: She's inside.

ZAVIER: You let her go in alone?

KAYLA: I came back for you... but someone had to go in for the reactor. If we hurry, maybe we can catch up to her.

ZAVIER: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Taryn gestures to Gatling and the soldiers.

TARYN: We'll watch these guys while you two do what you gotta do. I'll let the boss know you're alright.

Zavier nods and he and Kayla make their way up the stairs to Emerald Industries.

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