Act II - Scene 27: Head First

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SC27 - Head First


The sun rises over St. Nero and the chapel. Father Mayne and Jan are in the kitchen, packing for the journey. Zavier walks in and places more bags on the table.

ZAVIER: I think that's everything.

MAYNE: Thank you m'boy.

ZAVIER: Don't worry about it.

Mayne spots that Zavier's face is pale and realizes he appears exhausted.

MAYNE: Are you alright?

ZAVIER: I'm fine.

Zavier goes to leave the room but Mayne continues.

MAYNE: You did the right thing, you know. Thanks to you, we can ensure Eleanor's safety. Here, this is your payment. There's some extra in there as a thank you.

Mayne offers him a bag of coins but Zavier doesn't even turn around.

ZAVIER: I'm sorry, I can't take that.

MAYNE: Why not?

ZAVIER: Because I failed. I broke my promise. That was my job and I failed. So thank you Father but I don't deserve to be rewarded.

As Zavier reaches the doorway, Kayla bursts in, almost colliding with him. She stumbles but Zavier catches her and she waves a piece of paper at Mayne.

KAYLA: We have a problem.

Mayne takes the paper and reads it through while Kayla explains.

KAYLA: Eleanor's gone. She left during the night.


KAYLA: I found that note on her bed. Zavier, she's going back. She thinks she can stop Crimson herself! I should have seen this coming... She said we weren't safe so long as she was with us...

MAYNE: When did you last speak to her?

KAYLA: About four or five hours ago. She couldn't sleep and I tried to talk to her. I was just trying to help!

Zavier steadies Kayla, trying to stay calm. Mayne and Jan look on with worry.

ZAVIER: We might be able to catch her if we leave now. (To Mayne) Stay here in case she comes back. We'll find her.

Mayne nods and he goes to comfort Jan. Zavier and Kayla run out of the building and into the street.

KAYLA: Zavier, she might still have her comm!

Zavier raises his wrist and speaks into the comm.

ZAVIER: Eleanor, are you there? Whatever you're trying to do, please stop. Just come back!

They wait for a moment but there is no response.

ZAVIER: Ok, ok. Think. She's gotta take some kind of transport. She might be heading to Whitecrest again.

KAYLA: The boat! We left it down at the harbour.

Zavier and Kayla dash through town and down the road to the harbour. As they approach the Rainfall in dock it starts to move, gradually picking up speed. Eleanor is at the helm, concentrating on the open waters ahead.

KAYLA: Eleanor!

Eleanor doesn't turn around. Zavier makes a run for the end of the dock and dives aboard the boat. Kayla follows, making the jump just in time and the boat speeds away.

ZAVIER: Elle, stop the boat!

ELEANOR: Go away Zavier!

ZAVIER: I'm not gonna let you leave!

Eleanor turns to him, raising her hands and lifting a wall of water beside the boat.

ELEANOR: I'm warning you Zavier, get off this boat!

ZAVIER: Elle...

ELEANOR: Did Father tell you to come after me? How much did he pay you this time?

ZAVIER: I'm not here on a job! I came here because I screwed up, I lied Elle but I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Please, just... don't do this alone. I'm sorry.

Eleanor is silent for a moment before dropping the water and falling to her knees in tears.

ELEANOR: I have to fix this, Zave. I can't stand by and do nothing while my family is in danger.

Zavier approaches and puts a hand on her shoulder, crouching beside her. Kayla cuts the engine then turns to the others.

ZAVIER: Then let us help you. It might be breaking all the rules but hey, we're in this deep already so I kinda think we're past rules.

Eleanor smiles and hugs him.

ELEANOR: Thank you.

They separate and stand up again.

KAYLA: So... can I ask what your plan was?

ELEANOR: Get into the senate building and talk to your father.

KAYLA: Senate's pretty well guarded kid... but I admire your bravery. I didn't think you were this gutsy.

ELEANOR: I kind of suprised myself with this one.

Kayla throws her a smile but it quickly fades as she catches a glimpse of something coming their way.

KAYLA: Guys...

They turn and face the direction Kayla is looking, as an ominous shadow is cast over them.

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