Act I - Scene 9: You're the Boss

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SC09 - You're the Boss


As the sun sets, Eleanor and Zavier walk onto the upper deck. It's empty apart from a few passengers. Eleanor rests her elbows on the railing and puts her head in her hands.

ELEANOR: The sunset looks amazing from up here. You know, I'm gonna have to fly more often.

ZAVIER: Not so bad once you get used to it, huh?

ELEANOR: Yeah, not so bad.

Zavier spots something beneath the clouds and motions for Eleanor to look. The ship lowers altitude and sails past a cloud, revealing the city of Mayagarde sprawled out beneath them. The steep cliffs surrounding the city and the enormous semicircular front wall are illuminated by the setting sun, casting long shadows on the inner city and the surrounding hills. Eleanor is breathless.

ELEANOR: Wow. The city is huge!

ZAVIER: Sure is. You'll be heading to the Senate building, it's that tall, round one at the back there. But first we're going to the Mercenaries Guild. That's in the lower city but you can't see it from here, it's behind the wall.

Eleanor points to a sleek, metal structure on the cliffside next to the wall. A pillar of smoke rises from the top and the building is lit up brighter than the city itself.

ELEANOR: What's that?

ZAVIER: That is Emerald Industries. Leading research and development laboratory in all of Aedryn, or so I've heard. They make most of the machines we use in day to day life... and all the ones they use in the war. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if they built this transport ship.

Eleanor takes in the sights as the ship connects to a dock on the side of the wall. They take an elevator to the lower level and emerge into a quiet street, where the market is just beginning to close shop for the night. As they pass the stalls, Eleanor stares at all the strange and unusual things they have to offer. After taking a back street, Zavier stops in front of a large, worn down building.

ZAVIER: We're here.

ELEANOR: This is your guild? I was expecting it to be a little...

ZAVIER: (Raises an eyebrow) Nicer?

ELEANOR: Uh... taller. I was gonna say taller.

ZAVIER: Riiiight. Before we go in, you should know that these people are like my family. No matter how... interesting some of them are, just try to keep that in mind, ok?

ELEANOR: Uhhh... alright.

Zavier pushes the door open and they walk into a kitchen. Immediately a female figure walks straight up to Zavier and slaps him in the face.

GIRL: Dammit Zave! You were supposed to let Kay know you were leaving. And you didn't do your dishes either!

Zavier recoils for a second before speaking.

ZAVIER: Uhh... Taryn, this is Eleanor. Eleanor this...

TARYN: (Interrupts) Oh I'm sorry! I didn't see you there. Taryn Falgrad. Mercenary extrordinare. Although I may as well be the maid these days.

Taryn throws a dirty look at Zavier. He clears his throat and turns to Eleanor.

ZAVIER: Taryn is an excellent mercenary, it should be known. And the quiet one over there is Gatling.

Zavier gestures towards a young man who she wouldn't have spotted if it weren't for him. Gatling was standing so still that he was practically invisible. He raises his hand to acknowledge her. She waves back and smiles.

ZAVIER: Taryn, where's the bossman?

TARYN: He's in his office and he said he wanted to talk to you the moment you got back.

ZAVIER: Thanks. Eleanor, hang tight here for a bit. I'll be right back.

Zavier makes his way to the door on the far side of the kitchen and disappears into a hallway.

TARYN: (Loudly) And don't think you've gotten away with not doing the dishes!

She goes back to drying dishes and notices Eleanor standing in the middle of the room awkwardly. She motions to one of the stools by the counter.

TARYN: Sit down dear. Don't want you on your feet all day, do we.

ELEANOR: You don't want a hand with the dishes?

TARYN: No, no dear. You're our guest, you just relax.

ELEANOR: (Pauses) You mind if I ask how old you are?

TARYN: Sweet sixteen. Why?

ELEANOR: You act a lot more... grown up than most sixteen year olds.

TARYN: (Smiling) Thank you. I'm the only real grown up in this place anyway. Will you be staying the night?

ELEANOR: (Nods) Zavier said we'll head to the senate building in the morning.

TARYN: The senate building? Well you'll probably meet Kay then.


TARYN: Sergeant Kayla Greye. She's the general's niece. She runs security over there.

ELEANOR: Oh right, you said Zavier was supposed to talk to her.

TARYN: Yep... Those two are a real pickle sometimes.

ELEANOR: Why's that?

Taryn notices Zavier re-enter the room.

TARYN: Oh you'll probably find out for yourself tomorrow.

ZAVIER: Not talking about me, I hope?

TARYN: Course not, Zave.

ZAVIER: Well the bossman says he wants to talk to you before we leave tomorrow. Right now, I suggest getting a good nights sleep.

TARYN: Hey Gat, be a sweetie and show Eleanor here to her room.

Gatling nods and walks out of the room. Zavier motions with his head for Eleanor to follow him and chuckles. Eleanor waves to Zavier before dashing after Gatling. They climb a staircase to the top floor in silence and at the end of a hallway, Gatling opens the door to Eleanor's room. He stands in silence while she enters.

ELEANOR: Thanks. Gatling was it?

Gatling nods.

ELEANOR: Well it's nice to meet you.

Gatling bows his head and leaves, closing the door behind him.

ELEANOR: ... Ok then.

She looks around the room, which is empty apart from a bed and a closet. There is a small window but it is too high to look out of. She drops her satchel on the floor, walks over to the bed and falls backwards onto it, closing her eyes and falling asleep almost immediately.

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