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Weeks later on a break from school, his cat -Dori-, was finally well warmed up to the other two adults cats of the house, giving Jisung his time for resting without a care in the world, if not for the boy laying on top of him on a whim of not wanting to move, in fear of Jisung leaving his spot on the couch too soon.

Finally free from the tight grip of coursework, Jisung and Minho that day had gone out for a cute lunch to celebrate all the recent things that had happened, as well as their newfound closeness. They hadn't properly yet discussed about their relationship status, as for now both felt content and comfortable with each other's company and the affectionate exchange of touches.

It was comfortable for the two of them even if it was more than obvious that their feelings were totally on a romantic side, as well as the fact that not very surprisingly the two small beds of their shared bedroom, were now pulled together squished between the wall and the other furniture, in fear of the beds separating and creating a gap that would definitely drag the two bodies down together in mere seconds.

Jisung could only describe this as cozy, in every aspect, starting from their tangled bodies on the couch, to their small acts of affection of gentle brushing of lips to tender smiles.

"Minho, my baby, source of happiness in my life, I hate to tell you this but I think I'm going to have an organ failure from where your elbow is pressing down on my stomach." Jisung groaned barely moving his eyes away from the animation movie playing on the tv.

"Mhph-" was the eloquent answer he received before the weight was completely removed from Jisung's stomach and Minho had instead caged him in his arms in the matter of seconds.

"This better baby?" He muttered sarcastically emphasizing on the pet name, though it was very clear no bite was present in his words.

"Yeah, I think I can finally breath now." He giggled, scooting even closer to Minho.

"So much for trying to be romantic" Minho huffed, but at the same time never releasing his grip from around Jisung's body.

"That's probably not our forte anyways, we do have many qualities though, look at us raising a small family of three young, healthy, beautiful cats." The younger turned his neck just slightly to look back at him, eyes catching on the soft smile on Minho's face at the mentions of his, -their-, cats.

"Yeah you're right." Minho agreed easily snuggling his nose against the soft skin of Jisung's cheek, that even after weeks of this new found closeness, never once stopped getting warmed up, upon such tender gestures.

"You know, I'd never expected you to be this cuddly and touchy." Jisung had already stopped the movie now, clearly sensing that his attention was definitely targeting the other boy for who knows how long, as he had completely turned around and was now face to face with Minho. His confession was genuine too, not teasing in any way, as the brunette snuggled even closer, the younger's lips tenderly brushing over the other's forehead just for a moment.

"I guess it's just you Jisung, I'm pretty sure you've been spiking the water I drink, that's the only possibile reason why I've gotten so soft and clingy, there's no other explanation." Ever the stubborn Minho joked back, but at the same time never dropping the fond look in his eyes.

"Oh no! The big secret is out, now I'll have to find another way to keep you close." He giggled amusing the older.

"No need, I find that having a life sized cuddle buddy is convincing enough, also I can never give up the dramatic gags Hyunjin kindly throws in our direction lately." Minho laughed at the recent memory of their friend reaction upon finding them being in a very affectionate moment, of noses still touching as their lips had just parted to catch air from a very tender kiss.

It hadn't been a scandalous moment as the two had just been talking about everything and nothing, that day after quite the 'accident' that had occurred hours before, consisting of Minho having lost track of time that afternoon and in the hurry of getting everything gathered to get to his dance class on time, had mindlessly pecked Jisung on the lips, in a spontaneous way of saying goodbye.

So that day had technically been their first time kissing, and after Minho had profusely apologized to Jisung that night after returning from his dance practice, only for the younger to reassure the brunette as he had anxiously blabbered on not having made sure they were on the same page about that kind of skin ship, they had then shared a sweeter kiss definitely not as rushed, and totally meant on both of their ends.

And that had been about it. After Hyunjin's totally dramatic reaction of screaming and running away from the sight of his two housemates being affectionate, him and Seungmin had strangely been very out of their business and out of the apartment too, but for this they couldn't complain as being always holed up in their bedroom wasn't the most ideal for Minho and Jisung either.

From that moment on, their days had been spent on mindless dates anyways, consisting of walks in nearby parks when their schedules had allowed them, and homemade dinners followed by cuddling sessions.

One of those days, Minho had even rendered Jisung totally speechless with giving him a ring that had been in his eyes very familiar, from that one time they had made a trip together to a mall what seemed now like ages ago, and not only had that shocked the younger because Minho had remembered exactly what ring he had liked back then, but because well, when in a relationship rings had very clear meaning.

And as Jisung had slightly panicked ranting on the lines of 'this is not a proposal right? I'm not signing anything! We aren't even in our mid-twenties Minho, and I'm still on my free trial, a life long subscription to you seems a bit too much for now!'

That had Minho slightly panicking as well, while explaining that it was just him wanting to give him something back, a small gift since the younger had apparently been always very interested in accessories, specifically rings, and had also proceeded to assure him that he'll be getting him a necklace to wear the ring on, if he wasn't ready to have a ring on his hand yet.


"You know Hyunjin still doesn't look at us the same way he used to, and it's been weeks." He giggled reminiscing as well.

"Wait until he finds out you have already given me a ring in a such a short amount of time." Jisung teased while bringing his hand up to wiggle his fingers in the older's face, just because it was funny to think about how both of them had panicked trying to explain to one another that they definitely weren't ready for a proper proposal, for probably the next ten years of their lives.

"I mean Hyunjin and Seungmin would probably get an heart attack if they heard anything like this, yet they probably wouldn't believe us." Minho signed while playing with the ring resting proudly on Jisung middle finger (for obvious reasons).

"Knowing them they'll probably scold us for not having a real proposal moment, with emotional tears and snot on our faces." Jisung chuckled only for Minho to nod in agreement.

"Though I might have to agree with them on this, the day I'll propose I'll get on one knee first of all and second of all, it will definitely be more emotional than your attempt last time. You proposed with the plastic ring from a water bottle!"

"I was being creative Minho, and on a budget too!" The younger retorted, lightly smacking him on the shoulder, in slight betrayal.

"Ah Jisungie, you're so weird." Minho fondly smiled this time, pinching his cheek gently.

"That's actually why you love me." Jisung shrugged unbothered, a cocky grin on his lips.

"You're right."

the end.

huh- hi? Someone still here reading this? Thought I'd finish this story after half a year!

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