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After five endless nights of sleeping on the couch with cats jumping around the living room, Jisung was about to acknowledge the fact and strongly believed that he was going to die out of exhaustion.

He really, really wanted to tell Minho to do something about the cats. Don't get him wrong, he loved them but still having two cats jumping around and kneading him at night, didn't really do wonders for his sleep. Let alone the couch itself that was basically crushing his back to the point where it hurts to stay still in the same position.

The problem was though that he had little to no intention to beg the older to do something about the cats, or really, just let him use the second bed in his room. There was no way that Minho would have accepted anyways.

It was a lost cause already.

For this reasons Jisung had come to the conclusion that he needed some quality nap to get though this week at least.
So later in the day after his morning classes had ended he had come straight home intending to get his school related work done and then sneak inside Seungmin's room and catch a few hours of sleep till dinner.

It's not like Seungmin or Hyunjin would have complained about it, so he was set to accomplish his plan.

And pretty much he did succeed to do at least the first part right, the blonde was indeed in the kitchen with his books open. Though the last part didn't turn out like it was supposed to.

So to say that the scene that took place before Minho was bizarre was an understatement for sure. There on the kitchen counter, beside open books and lecture's notes and an half eaten yogurt (once again Minho's yogurt) was Jisung's head lied down as the guy was peacefully asleep.

Minho pondered a few seconds on the options of either waking the boy up and save him from a terrible neck ache or let him rest there as if indeed wasn't any of his business where and how Jisung slept.

He decided on the latter shortly after as he really didn't want to deal with the blonde right now. What if the blonde was one of those really grumpy and annoying people when first waken up, as if he wasn't annoying enough to Minho already even when in a waken state.

His best shot was to just do what he had come to do in the kitchen in the first place; cook. At least he hoped that this way the passed out boy would just wake up from the noise and retire somewhere else to nap. This way Minho could not be accused of anything.

Still he took a quick trip to his bedroom to retrieve something before cooking dinner for when his other roommates were going to be back.

It was some sort of mutual accord, he usually did dinner for himself and the others as he was the most decent one amongst them all at cooking while the others kept the house clean. Well except for Minho's room. The brunette had always claimed it as an off limit zone.

Although Minho had yet again opened another drawer and moved the pan on the stove around, the blonde was still knocked out. The brunette had basically forgotten he was even there in the first place.

Apparently Minho's assumptions turned out to be wrong. The blonde had proven once more that he was indeed an heavy sleeper: not once did he stir or move around throughout the whole process of Minho cooking. This including moving pans and tearing open loud packages. But it's not like the brunette had tried in the least to turn down the noise. The one on the counter was, yet again, his white yogurt after all.

And all in all Jisung did get his nap, seeing as it was almost seven when Minho was done with cooking and the food was ready to be heated up and eaten.

So when Jisung did stir up from laying down on the kitchen counter his back made not the prettiest noise, as he had been on lied down there for a few hours now.

To no surprise Minho rolled his eyes upon hearing the sound even before turning around and annoyingly glare at the blonde who faced the brunette with half lidded eyes, a stamp of his own arm on his cheek and an overall confused expression.

"Water." It was the first thing Jisung said upon seeing someone in front of him, his throat was over dried and he indeed craved water.

To this the brunette just become confused. Why was the guy he clearly disliked talking to him.
Wasn't it clear that Minho was annoyed by his presence?
So to this he scoffed, this completely going unnoticed by Jisung who had once more closed his eyes.

"Go and get it yourself."

The blonde nodded with his eyes barely open. He got up from his seat and circled the counter on his way to the fridge, and was quite confused when the brunette stood in his way. Well he was actually there first so it was all Jisung's doing.

He stumbled past the brunette, like nearly tripping to get a glass from the cupboard and filling it with tap water, changing his mind about reaching the fridge. It was too much effort for him at the moment.

Once done he took his place back on the seat he was sleeping on only moments before and right about when he was to lie down again he did recognize that he had been lying on his books.

"You could've woken me up." The blonde mumbled upon seeing the wrinkles on his notes caused by his own face. The tips of his fingers already running lightly over the material to try and straighten out the pages.

Jisung didn't even care about putting on his glasses to fully be able to see what was surrounding him. Instead he piled his books and moved them aside. This before lying down once more on the counter, with the clear intent of getting more sleep.

All of this while Minho was still staring at the blonde with a blank face, not being capable himself to comprehend what went on in the others mind.

"Bed exists for a reason." The brunette sarcastically muttered, eyebrows raised in pure astonishment not even counting on having any kind of logic conversation with a guy that was consciously napping in the kitchen.

"Don't have one." Was all the blonde bothered to point out, eyes closed and face rested on his folded hands.

"Sleep on the floor then, I need the kitchen obviously." The brunette pointed out still surprised at how unbothered Han Jisung looked to this whole thing and conversation.
Well it couldn't even be called a conversation really.

"And I need a bed obviously, but here I am not complaining. So please do as you please in the kitchen, I don't mind." And with that he went on with his nap as if the whole dialogue they just had never happened.

How sad that both Hyunjin nor Seungmin found this guy to be weird, seriously.

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