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After the whole day spent celebrating Jisung's birthday Jeongin had ended up spending the night at their place.
(This also meant sharing the couch.)

In fact Jeongin and Jisung had spent the night cuddled up on the couch, as they used to often do since they were way younger.
But it's not like either of them minded though, and even if they did mind, it was their only solution available since the couch only offered a very narrow space.

It was for sure to wonder for Felix though, why two boys were sleeping on the couch, in the living room.

It wasn't the fact that they were still asleep or cuddled up, it was more on the side of trying to imagine how uncomfortable that position must've been for the whole night even if it was probably very comfortable, emotionally.

As Felix had been welcomed at the front door by Minho who looked like he had just woken up, which in fact was the case, he was told to wait there; In the living room to be exact, where those two boys were fast asleep.

Since that day it was Felix's birthday he had Minho agree to spend the day with him since his other friends all seemed to be busy, so the least he could do was to wait patiently for the brunette to get ready to go out.

Now, Felix was never someone very loving of staring since he despised being stared at very much, though, for some reason, the sight in front of him seemed to be too captivating for him to take his eyes off.

He honestly had no idea who the two guys were and why Minho had dismissed them with a shrug of the shoulders and a 'don't mind that'.
The thing he noticed though, was how both were very good looking even if only considering the glimpse of the sleeping faces he could manage to catch.

One of them had very ruffled blonde hair and pouty lips even if he was sleeping while the other one, the one closest to the edge of the couch, had brunette hair similar to Minho's and sharper face features.

Strongly trying to follow his friend's advise he forced himself to move his eyes away from the couch and to his own phone, trying his best to ignore the situation by playing a YouTube video. Of course without any sound on.

Only when the video changed and the screen turned black for a second he could catch a glimpse of his now messed up hair.

It looked like he had forgotten to brush them that morning, which definitely was not the case, and tried his best to fix the rebellious strands with his fingers and his phone screen as a substitute for a mirror. This paired with annoyed mumbles of 'what's wrong with my hair today' and 'the color looks weird' plus heavy sighs of disapproval.

Jeongin was the first of the two to wake up from the seemingly peaceful sleep. Though his arm felt completely numb from where it was resting underneath his pillow.

Still confused and, at the same time, disturbed by hearing whispered words he tried to focus his blurry sight on the source of the noise which happened to be a boy with washed out orange hair that was furiously fumbling with, said orange strands of hair, that in all honesty looked okay to Jeongin.

Only a few seconds later he realized that it wasn't someone he knew and that somebody, a complete
stranger, was in the same room as him while he had been asleep.

Taken aback by a bit of panic Jeongin stood up or tried to get up from the couch, this only resulting in the brunette falling down with an heavy thud and his ass on the floor.

Also the orange haired guy, the stranger, was now staring at him visibly shocked by such loud sounds and all of the movements.

It took three seconds to Felix to realize that one of the boys, the one with sharper features, had fallen off the couch and was staring at him with his mouth slightly parted and a scared face.

Felix scurried to his feet to help the boy holding a hand out for the other to take, this resulting in more awkward staring at him til the brunette actually took it, getting up and revealing his true height, which was actually past Felix's one.

"Mh, a-are you okay?" Felix asked unsure to the boy which seemed in deep shock from waking up this abruptly. The boy only nodded his head slowly with his mouth still sort of parted the initial shock still being there for Jeongin.

"What's wrong Jeongin?" The other guy from the couch mumbled sleepily trying to pat the couch to find said boy. This made Jisung open his eyes since he had not found the younger and had not received an answer too.

The thing he saw when he had successfully focused his gaze were his friend and another person standing awkwardly in front of one other.
It was kind of unusual to see Jeongin taken that much aback. He was usually very outgoing and friendly, easy to make friends with all in all.

What he saw instead was his younger friend awkwardly scratching his brow while not meeting eyes with the guy with orange hair.

At this point he stumbled up, positioning himself in front of Jeongin and staring down the other boy, that seemed quite scared now.

"Who are you and what are you doing to Jeongin?" Jisung said with a serious voice despite being awake for only a couple of minutes.

"I-was asking if he was okay and helping him get up from the floor." Felix talked in a small voice despite it sounding really dark and deep.

"You weren't hurting him then?" He inquired further.

"No? I'm really sorry I woke you two up though." The orange haired said trying to sincerely apologize.

"Okay, I believe you." Jisung shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm Jisung." He stretched his hand out for the other to shake which he confusedly did.

"Felix." The other replied hoping to get rid of the thick aura around them all, most likely by leaving the house and never coming back again. Like ever.

"Ah that's Jeongin." Said boy moved then from behind Jisung holding his hand out for the orange haired guy, Felix,  to shake.

The name sounded cute and really unusual in Jeongin's opinion.

"Your hair look nice." For it to be the first sentence that the boy with sharp features had said to Felix, it left quite an impression as he was now very aware of his flushing cheeks.
Not only because he had complimented him, but also because he had without any doubt heard Felix talk to himself.

w e i r d; 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now