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It was almost dinner time when Minho had made it home later that day.
He hadn't been home for the whole day actually.

He had been so caught up in his dance lesson that he hadn't noticed how late it actually was.

Now though, he was feeling both tired and hungry and the shower he had had after practice had only made him sleepier. So he was very unsure wether to have dinner or going straight to bed.

While trying to decide what to do, he walked towards his room sure that the first thing he needed to do was get his clothes changed in case he was to pass out after eating dinner.

Minho heard the blankets shuffle and a sniffle while making his way inside the room. Strange.
Jisung was completely submerged by his blanket, only the end of his blonde hair pecking out, back turned around from the doorway and away from Minho.

"Are you sleeping?" Minho decided to ask, he didn't know how the younger would have answered if he asked if he was crying. Not like it was Minho's business to ask or anything.

"No." Jisung answered nevertheless, his voice sounding completely different from his usual cheerful self.

"Do you want me to turn the light off or?" Minho inquired further not getting any answer this time.
Jisung couldn't be bothered to answer, he was obviously up to something and Minho didn't know what it was, well how could he have known anyways?

Sensing the weird mood Jisung seemed to be in, he took a few steps further towards the younger's bed. An unsure hand moving towards the thick blanket. Could he even breath underneath it?

"Hey?" He still got no answer.

To Jisung this was common, this situation that was taking place was usual almost, it's not like it could be helped. Some days he was just lethargic and along with that his mind fell in dark places.
He blamed his current emotional state on genetics though.

Apparently his relatives had a depression history and apparently he had a tendency to it too, not too bad, but it'd be like that at times.

Now, Seungmin knew of all of this and it would be making things easy for him if he was here, but the red head was not available now, and he was so not going to interrupt his trip with his boyfriend and call him.

So here he was, stuck with Minho who had no clue of what was going on and no intentions from himself to explain things. He just felt empty and tired, an hopeless feeling crawling up his throat and making his heart heavy.

Minho innocently moved the blanket wondering how the blonde was actually breathing once again, his question dying on top of his tongue when taking in the state Jisung was in.

There were signs of previous cries, a few tears slipped down his cheek that wasn't rested on the pillow. The blonde's face was completely turned towards the wall, not a sign of acknowledgement from him whatsoever while Minho grew terribly confused.

"What's going on?" The brunette asked at last.
His mind blank about Jisung's behavior.

"I'm fine." The blonde mumbled, defensively moving the blanket back.

"Yeah clearly." Minho muttered back sarcastically, however not getting anything from Jisung.
After this Minho left the room, a bad feeling crawling underneath Jisung's skin.

What was he even thinking?
That Minho would have stayed to comfort his sorry ass? Apparently that's what the blonde wanted or else, there was no other way to justify that feeling that sounded a lot like disappointment.

However Minho did come back minutes later, Jisung heard the footsteps even if he was still facing the wall. He hadn't yet moved one bit but he heard the other put something on his bedside table.
Then he felt the mattress flex underneath the weight of Minho sitting down on his bed.

w e i r d; 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now