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With his duffel bag hanging from his shoulder Minho was trying his best to keep his balance while slipping on his shoes.

This before being interrupted by the only blonde haired person staying in their apartment, that sort of walked towards him with a quick pace.
This alone making Minho quite puzzled since he had seen all three of his roommates watching a movie in the living room together only minutes prior.

Seungmin and Hyunjin on the couch, while Jisung had been sitting on the carpet for the whole time probably.

"I think they're doing things in there, can I come with you?" Without wasting any time or even worrying about Minho's plans, or where he was heading, the blonde asked. Some sort of urgency staining his voice.

"No." Minho answered, not even looking up from where he was tying his shoelaces.

"Why? I'll stay in silence the whole time." The blonde added, almost pleading.


"I'll treat you dinner." Jisung found himself proposing. Anything to get out from where two of his closest friends were making out on the couch.

It wasn't nothing he hadn't seen before, it was no secret that they were dating, yet he couldn't help the feeling of being in the way. This was their apartment after all; if they wanted to make out they had the right to.

"And you'll stay in silence." Minho added now looking up. The offer too appealing to be refused.

"Yes." Jisung agreed immediately sensing that Minho was considering now.

"Whatever, hurry up." As soon as the words left his mouth Jisung was already slipping on his jacket and some shoes. Quickly getting his wallet too.

Two minutes later the brunette was already starting the car, only now wondering why on Earth he had agreed with the blonde coming along.

"Where are you going anyways? It's almost seven." Jisung asked, the complete silence in the car feeling too oppressing for him. On the other end Minho looked quite unbothered by it.

"Dance practice." Minho shortly explained.

"But, isn't Hyunjin going?" Jisung wondered out, it didn't seem like his other friend was somewhat close to be ready to go out, even if he was not going together with Minho.

"No. I practice alone sometimes." Minho muttered out. It was clear that he didn't want to talk much, as per usual.

"Oh." With the new acquired informations Jisung settled again, with staying silent. The older clearly had no intention of keeping any conversation going. Yet he couldn't help but fidget around, the silence making him nervous somehow.

"Stop moving." Minho called out after minutes, his voice startling the blonde.

He was met with silence.

"Why are you fidgety anyways?" Minho glanced his way only for a second since he was driving, trying to find the source of Jisung's behavior.

"I'm uncomfortable with silence." While stilling his movements he mumbled, glad that he could already spot the building where Hyunjin and Minho practiced. He wouldn't have lasted another five minutes in that car.

Luckily for him, Minho hadn't commented on his behaving any further. Only telling him to 'hurry' once he had gotten the key for the practice room at the front desk. Other than that, Minho seemed to have completely forgotten about the younger being there.

The blonde watched closely as Minho got himself ready, before playing what he assumed, was his dance routine playlist. He watched only, maybe for an hour maybe more, the older go from one song to another without loosing focus, movements smooth yet sharp. Jisung was honestly enchanted, his eyes following the older as he moved.

He had seen him dance before, of course he had, Minho was on the same team as Hyunjin, yet that was in group choreography while he quite suspected that this were all song choreographed by the older himself. He wasn't much of an expert though, so again, he settled with watching only.

Like maybe neither of the two noticing, two hours had already gone by, and it was past nine when they were finally sitting down to eat dinner.

Since Jisung on his own request was in charge of paying, the brunette was already seating down while the younger got the food. He was also quite tired to say the least other than hungry, so for once he was glad to see Jisung walk towards him. This time holding the tray with his food.

"Where's your food?" Minho asked even before unpacking his hamburger, that was clearly his order only.

"This is it." Jisung pointed at his ice tea.

"What? Are you on some kind of diet to have a sharp jawline or something?" Minho muttered sarcastically while finally biting down on his food, he was sure he could pass out for the lack of sugar in his body any moment now.

"No, I don't need to diet." Jisung said while playing with the straw of his drink.

"If you say so," Minho eyed Jisung slightly, watching the pout grow on the younger's lips. Yet the blonde knew that the older was only teasing him.

"Hey! That wasn't nice!" He mumbled, still, not amused.

"Yeah whatever." Minho muttered before continuing to bite down on his food.

"So you're not telling me why you're not eating?" Minho asked minutes later, the topic not at all forgotten. Jisung was starting to notice things such as this: the older was quite persistent with questions. This at least, til he got his answer which was quite surprising for someone who seemed very cautious with having no interaction with the blonde especially.

"I promised to stay silent, I'm sticking to it." The younger muttered scrolling through his phone now, he wasn't looking at much, just a distraction really.

"Oh for God's sake, could you stop being childish for once? That's exactly why I cant stand you." Minho angrily whispered, they were still in public after all, and also, he wasn't keen on raising his voice in general. He hated when others did it, so why do it himself?

"I've already eaten home." Jisung muttered with his arms crossed. Wouldn't Minho just eat in peace?
That was supposed to keep his mouth busy, wasn't it?

"So why go out to eat?" The food was momentarily forgotten on the tray, Jisung eyed it sadly.
He should've third wheeled with his friends.

"I wanted to get out of the house " The blonde reluctantly admitted.

"So now what? Are you going to watch me eat while you sip a watered iced tea?" Minho tried to clarify more.
He now vaguely remembered the take out boxes scattered on the coffee table and on the floor he had seen earlier. Still, it didn't make sense for him to leave the house just to watch someone else eat, and pay for it too.

"Exactly." Jisung asserted. He was regretting his choice of going out still, yet at least he had gotten to see Minho dance and that alone was almost worth the trouble. Almost.

"That wasn't that difficult now, was it?" Jisung huffed before continuing to sip his lemon flavored tea annoyedly.

w e i r d; 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now